Thursday, February 10, 2011

You Know You've Arrived When...

I was feeling pumped and energized to make it to my local gym for my work-out and managed to make it, when I received a phone-call that would would drive any dieter INSANE...hubby calling me up and requesting for me to buy him a hamburger.  Are you kidding me??? Here I am working diligently at watching my diet and sculpting my figure and you're asking me to buy you a fricken burger???

Well, I did what every good wife would do, and caved in.  I obliged my husband and went to the nearest burger joint and bought him his damn burger.  But, and a BIG BUT, what was remarkable was that I wasn't one bit moved, nor tempted like I usually am to give in and purchase anything for myself.  Now that's huge considering the fact that I'm human like everyone else and have struggled in the past with saying no to temptation.  Put anything loaded with tons of sugar, salt, and fat, and I'm game.  But tonight was a milestone for me and goes to show just how far I've come with my weight loss journey.  Mind you, I'm still a work in progress, but it feels good to finally be seeing some dividends with my hard work.

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