Monday, February 7, 2011

Cynthia & Amy's 12 Week Challenge: Monday Weigh-In Wk #1

It's that time of the week ya'll, the day in which Cynthia and Amy update you readers on our weigh-in at Weight Watchers this past weekend.  So how did we do?  

I'll start by admitting that I was a little bummed by this week's weigh-in.  Despite tracking diligently and eating a pretty sound diet, I ended up gaining +1.2 pounds.  I figured it's no sweat considering the fact that it was probably water retained from my monthly gift and the fact that I didn't get as much exercise in as anticipated due to a back issue I was dealing with.  I'm not letting this stress me one bit as this week is a new week to get back on track and continue towards my goals.  

My goal for this week is to work-up to getting 4 cardio sessions and 2 continue with 2 days of circuit training for strength.

Weekly Motivation:  Stick with matter how hard weight loss may be, as long as you stick to your goals you will prevail in the end. 

Total weight lost for the week -2.4 pounds (lucky son of a gun).  In reflecting on weight loss over the week, Amy feels that she's finally on track and loving the results.  She's quite proud of herself for having been pretty good with her eating this weekend.  For example, she ended up ordering pizza over the weekend and had 2 slices, a salad and a light beer.  Before, Amy would have had 4 slices and called it a day, but she's progressed toward being more mindful of her eating and watching those portions.  

Goals for Amy this week include pulling out a couple of WW recipes and trying out a few new dishes so she doesn't get bored with what she's eating; and adding a Zumba class to her 3 work-out days.  

Weekly Motivation:  This is real life [weight watchers].  This isn't a diet, it's a lifestyle change.  

Be sure to stay tuned next week for Wk #2 of Cynthia and Amy's 12 Week Challenge.

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