Sunday, February 13, 2011

Contingency Plan for Cheating or Going Way Over Your Points

I wrote this blog post back in January 2009 when I was blogging on Sparkpeople on a regular and decided to post it in this blog after a little slip up I had last night at a friends social gathering.  Speaking of which, I'm beginning to HATE social gatherings, especially when surrounded by sinful, tempting delights.  I probably would have been alright, if I hadn't used up my free points earlier within the week, but I did over-indulge myself yesterday evening and ended up going way over points...52 points over.  So, rather than drowning myself in guilt, I'm actually going to work towards doing something about it (which is what I do when I have days like this).  I'm going to create a bit of a plan for this week in order to burn all the extra calories or points I had taken in and I'm going to set some personal goals to work towards in order to safe-guard myself from over-indulging at social gatherings in the near future.  

The particular plan listed below, originally comes from Joanna Hall and is filled with great strategies for Cheating or over-indulging.  Joanna's plan is geared towards planning prior to cheating taking place, but I have seen other plans where you can create a bit of a plan once cheating has taken place and you're trying to rid yourself of extra calories-as the saying goes, calories in, calories out.  

Contingency Plan for Cheating

What is it? 
An action that is put in place once you feel you have taken a step back on your weight loss journey. 

What is its Aim? 
To help you get on track and keep on track so that your lapse doesn't become a collapse. A Contingency Plan for Cheating stops you from feeling like you're failing. It puts you firmly in control, reinforcing your Template of Success, and stopping the Template of Failure from taking hold. 

What are the Guidelines of a Contingency Plan for Cheating? 

1. Play the 300 Calorie Game. 
Eat 300 fewer calories the day before an event and be sure to fit in a structured exercise session. Then eat 300 calories the day after. This can be done by cutting back on a snack or limiting portions. If you want you can fit in another exercise session. 

2. Double Carb Curfew 
Introduce a double carb curfew-lunch and supper-but do still have some slow releasing carbs at breakfast. 

3. Stay Hydrated 
Keep on top of properly hydrating yourself with water through-out the day. 

4. Veg-up! 
Use liquid foods to help curb your hunger and preserve your energy. Make yourself a vegetable based soup to eat before you go out to your function-this will help curb your appetite and line your stomach. 

5. Burn those Calories by: Walking a mile; accumulating 2000 steps on your pedometer; walking up and down your stairs for 5 minutes continuously; dancing enthusiastically to your favorite music for 12 minutes. 


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