Monday, February 14, 2011

Cynthia & Amy's 12 Week Challenge: Monday Weigh-In Wk #2

Week #2 of Cynthia and Amy's Weight Loss Challenge.  Here's how we did:  

After a not so good week with weigh in last week, I managed to lose 1.8 pounds.  I did bump things up with workouts for the week by throwing in some extra cardio and adding a ten minute run with each session.  I never thought I'd ever catch myself running for my dear life, but I've actually taken to it quite well and love the burst of energy it gives me with each workout.  

My goals for the week include staying within my alloted points for the week, since I kind of indulged on Saturday evening and ended up going way over in points; and continuing on with an extra cardio session including a 10 minute run each time I do cardio.  

Weekly Motivation: "You Can Do This!"

Well, so much for planning! I was down all week with a winter cold which really put a damper in meeting my weekly fitness plan. So I was only up for one gentle workout this week-zumba will have to wait until I am feeling up to it! When I weighed in this week I wasn't optimistic given my lack of movement - but I was down 2.6 pds! Seriously?! All of those herbal mugs of tea must have made the difference.  So my goal for next week is simple: get back on the treadmill and do my Jillian Michaels shred workout three times this week. And this will be the real challenge: stop obsessing about the number on the scale. I got into a skirt this week that I haven't been able to zip up since last summer. That cannot be measured!

Stay tuned for week #3!

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