Monday, February 21, 2011

Cynthia & Amy's 12 Week Challenge: Monday Weigh-In Wk #3

Week #3 of Cynthia and Amy's Weight Loss Challenge.  Here's how we did:  

Total weight loss this week was 1 pound, which I'll take considering the challenges I had this week in controlling my eating.  Thanks to another visit by my TOM, I had a few unsuccessful days where I had given into intense cravings and ended up going over quite a bit in points for the week. 

Despite a few days of not sticking to the plan, I did manage to get my weekly workouts in and managed to bump them up an extra day or so, so in total I worked out 5x last week by doing 5 cardio sessions, and 2 full body circuit sessions.  

Oh well, this week is a new week and an opportunity for me to get back on track with the program.

I am down 1.2 pds which is great but I don't feel great. This weight loss and health journey is more than just portion control and working up a sweat. It is emotional! This week I started to feel bored with the program. And restless. I am still not well so my workouts are virtually nonexistent. So the challenge for me next week is to fight the boredom demons, stick to it and focus on the end of week 12. We can do this! Move when I can and resist the urge to sabotage! Wish me luck. 

Stay tuned for week #4!

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