Thursday, February 17, 2011

Lap Band Surgery: The Verdict

I was watching CNN this morning when I came across a story on the growing trend of adolescents under 18 opting for Lap Band surgery as a weight loss alternative.  I'll admit that any talk of the Lap Band procedure literally makes me angry.  Sure the procedure helps control hunger so you feel full faster with less food, but I do strongly believe that if one hasn't done the mental preparation necessary for such a procedure they're just going to end up resorting back to the same habits that caused them to gain weight to begin with.  If you've followed the growing trend of this procedure over the last 10 years or so, there are countless number of stories of individuals who ended up having Lap Band surgery, lost the weight, and ended re-gaining shortly after as a result of not having made the necessary changes to keep the weight off in the long-term.

For me personally, I can see Lap Band being an effective method for those who are facing a life and death situation as a result of their weight; but in other cases, I think it's a cop out for those not wanting to put the amount of work needed to get the weight off.  My thing is that for anyone who is overweight and fighting to lose weight, REMEMBER the weight didn't come on overnight and it's sure not going to come off overnight either.  As I've learned over the years, there are no quick fixes to weight loss, and for those who believe so much in them, those same quick fixes are going to continuously put you in the same position of having to lose the same weight over and over again.  So do yourself a favor, if you're considering losing weight, do it the right way.  Talk to a professional, do your research and find a healthy, sound alternative to help you lose weight in a safe and effective manner.  

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