Saturday, February 12, 2011

Women-Don't Be Afraid of Those Weights!

Attended my WW meeting like I do every Saturday morning and as usual our leader spent the first 10 minutes acknowledging those who had made some sort of progress with their weight loss, be it a loss in weight, trying something new for exercise, or sticking to the plan.  One woman in particular was given special recognition for having made life-time, in other words, reaching her goal weight.  As proud of this woman as I was for her successful weight loss, I was a little put off at the same time.  The reason why is that, although this woman lost a significant amount of weight, she pretty much looked like a former image of her bigger self.  I know I sound harsh, but this woman had sagging skin everywhere, looked warn-out and tired, and looked as if she was suffering from something.  It occurred to me right then and there, that this woman didn't make use of any sort of strength conditioning while she was losing weight.  And she's not the only one, there's a lot of women in our meetings that believe 100% that they can lose weight by following the program alone without any sort of exercise. 

News flash: if you want to look like a fat image of your former self, then fine ditch the workouts, but if you want to look healthy, fit and have something to boast for, start exercising and more importantly getting in those strength training exercises!  

After seeing this woman, I in no way ever want to look the way she looked.  If so, there's no point in even trying to lose the weight to begin with.  

So ladies, my advice to you is in the process of losing weight, make the weights or any strength training program your friend.  It'll tighten, tone, and give you the look your after while losing weight.  


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