Monday, February 28, 2011

The Eat Clean Diet Stripped

The Goddess of Clean Eating, Tosca Reno, is back at it again with the latest release of her, "Eat Clean Diet Stripped".  According to the product description, "Eat Clean Stripped" is a book to help those with little or no weight to lose, rid themselves of a few extra pounds, the last few pounds we often find it much difficult to lose.  Tosca also offers a few slim-down secrets of fitness models and celebrities to help you lose the last 10 pounds and keep it off for good.  

May have to drop by Chapter's this week to check out this one!


Much Leaner and Toner Leona Lewis

I've been seeing a lot of pics turn up on the wonderful world wide web of Leona Lewis and almost didn't recognize her when I saw some recent pics of a much leaner and Toned down Leona.  It also appears that Mrs. Lewis may have had some facial work done too.  

What do you guys think?  Do you like the new look?

Jennifer Hudson at the Oscars

Jennifer Hudson at this year's Oscars.  Absolutely stunning!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Daily Inspiration

Gotta Push Yourself!

Today was one of those days where I had no energy and lacked the motivation that I've had over the past few weeks to hit the gym.  It was really quite the struggle to pull myself together to get out of bed, shower, throw on my gym clothes, get in my car, and walk through the front doors to my local gym (I'm sure some of you know how the drill goes).  But I did it; I managed to gather what inner strength I had and ended up completing an hour and 30 minutes at the gym, complete with a 30 minute strength training session and a full hour of cardio.  How I did?  Who knows!  All I know is that I did it and felt so much better as a result of it.  

It's certainly not easy making that transition towards a more healthier lifestyle, but you've gotta push yourself to do it.  When your mind tells you no, put your foot down and say YES and don't let anything stop you from pursuing your goals, including you!

Healthy Girls Rock!


I Make No...

"I make no excuses when it comes to my health and neither should you".


Get Excited About Breakfast

Did you know that research, "increasingly links skipping breakfast with long-lasting weight gain?"  If you can make one small change towards your health, at least start today by eating breakfast.  

Source: Oxygen's, Pick it, Kick it.

An Even Slimmer Raven Symone

An even slimmer Raven Symone was caught at the InStyle/Warner Brothers Golden Globes post-party fairly recently and is still turning heads with her newly trimmed figure.  I think she looks great, but I wonder if it may be time to throw in the towel and maintain her current figure as is?  I think she could stand to put a little bit of meat on her frame, but either way I think she looks great.  What do you think?


Saturday, February 26, 2011

I Used to Be Fat!

Oxygen's Pick it Kick it: The Easiest Weight You'll Ever Lose!

I absolutely love the Eat This, Not That series, so I was pretty excited when Oxygen came out with their, "Pick it Kick it" book early last year.  For those of us who are nutritional fanatics (such as myself), a lot of the information contained within this book is simply common sense, but for those of you who really have no clue where to start when making that adjustment towards a healthier way of life, then this book is for you.  This book includes information on anything and everything related to nutrition.  You'll pretty much learn how to read labels, control your portions, cut fat and watch those calories, reduce your sodium intake and sugar content, and more importantly lose weight without putting in much work.

I'm all for losing weight without much effort and I think this book is a great starting point for those trying to figure out the whole weight loss thing.  



Weight Watchers Just 5 Cookbook

I am so excited about the latest purchase I made this morning at my WW meeting...the new Weight Watchers Just 5 cookbook, that was just released recently in both Canada and the USA.  As the cover boasts, this great little cookbook is listed with 125 different recipes with just 5 ingredients.  So for those of you who aren't a big fan of cooking and want to spend the least amount of time possible in the kitchen, then this book will do just that, cut down on your prep time and produce some of the most amazing meals at the same time.  

I'm pretty stoked about my new purchase and giving some of the recipes a try!


Get A Great Butt with Oxygen Magazine!

Summer is coming and I'm all for firming up the backside, who's in with me?

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Healthy Girls Rock!


My New Favorite Love: Bento Lunch Boxes!

Thanks to my girl over at the  Curvaceouscook I have a new found love: Bento lunch boxes!!!  Bento Lunch Boxes, otherwise known as Laptop lunch boxes, are American-style bento boxes, designed to help one pack nutritious, eco-friendly lunches.  These nifty lunch boxes, come with a book of amazing healthy and creative lunch ideas, tips, and recipes, and more importantly are reusable, recyclable, and dish washer safe.  

For those eco-minded individuals, these lunch boxes are also safe and contain no phthalates, bisphenol A (BPA), or lead.   

These things are the absolute BOMB and one of the most revolutionary ideas I've ever come across for organizing one's lunches.  I know I'm going a little overboard but I'm so excited about my latest discovery and soooo cannot wait to purchase my own bento box...who knows, I may even purchase a few as gifts for two of my favorite girlfriends (*wink, *wink-you ladies know who you are!).

To find out more about the Bento lunch boxes and to find out how to order one for yourself, please visit:

Monday, February 21, 2011

Cynthia & Amy's 12 Week Challenge: Monday Weigh-In Wk #3

Week #3 of Cynthia and Amy's Weight Loss Challenge.  Here's how we did:  

Total weight loss this week was 1 pound, which I'll take considering the challenges I had this week in controlling my eating.  Thanks to another visit by my TOM, I had a few unsuccessful days where I had given into intense cravings and ended up going over quite a bit in points for the week. 

Despite a few days of not sticking to the plan, I did manage to get my weekly workouts in and managed to bump them up an extra day or so, so in total I worked out 5x last week by doing 5 cardio sessions, and 2 full body circuit sessions.  

Oh well, this week is a new week and an opportunity for me to get back on track with the program.

I am down 1.2 pds which is great but I don't feel great. This weight loss and health journey is more than just portion control and working up a sweat. It is emotional! This week I started to feel bored with the program. And restless. I am still not well so my workouts are virtually nonexistent. So the challenge for me next week is to fight the boredom demons, stick to it and focus on the end of week 12. We can do this! Move when I can and resist the urge to sabotage! Wish me luck. 

Stay tuned for week #4!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Lap Band Surgery: The Verdict

I was watching CNN this morning when I came across a story on the growing trend of adolescents under 18 opting for Lap Band surgery as a weight loss alternative.  I'll admit that any talk of the Lap Band procedure literally makes me angry.  Sure the procedure helps control hunger so you feel full faster with less food, but I do strongly believe that if one hasn't done the mental preparation necessary for such a procedure they're just going to end up resorting back to the same habits that caused them to gain weight to begin with.  If you've followed the growing trend of this procedure over the last 10 years or so, there are countless number of stories of individuals who ended up having Lap Band surgery, lost the weight, and ended re-gaining shortly after as a result of not having made the necessary changes to keep the weight off in the long-term.

For me personally, I can see Lap Band being an effective method for those who are facing a life and death situation as a result of their weight; but in other cases, I think it's a cop out for those not wanting to put the amount of work needed to get the weight off.  My thing is that for anyone who is overweight and fighting to lose weight, REMEMBER the weight didn't come on overnight and it's sure not going to come off overnight either.  As I've learned over the years, there are no quick fixes to weight loss, and for those who believe so much in them, those same quick fixes are going to continuously put you in the same position of having to lose the same weight over and over again.  So do yourself a favor, if you're considering losing weight, do it the right way.  Talk to a professional, do your research and find a healthy, sound alternative to help you lose weight in a safe and effective manner.  

Don't Let...

"There's a world out there for you to explore, don't let mental obstacles hold you back from doing so".

From Couch to 5K

As of this week, I've decided to start following the Couch-to-5K training program.  Couch-to-5K??? As I'm sure many of you are asking.  To give you an idea on what it is, it's a very popular training program that has literally helped thousands get off the couch and into a structured running regimen with ease.  Couch-to-5K is pretty much a gradual running program where you start off with a light walking/jogging combination and then work your way up to running three miles (or 5K) in just under two months.   

Each session should take anywhere from 20-30 minutes, three times a week and before you know it you actually build the conditioning needed to become an actual how cool is that???

There's literally tons of program's available to assist one who wants to give the Couch-to-5K training program a try.  I have one application downloaded onto my phone which breaks the program down into 9 weeks and enables me to time myself as I'm performing the program on a week by week basis.  You can also find information on the program on the net; a quick Google search will pull up more information than you'll know what to do with.  One great site that I found pretty useful is  This site not only has instructions on how to perform the program, but a schedule you can follow to help guide through each stage.

Now I don't know about you, but I'm really excited about my new challenge and can't wait to start seeing results over the course of the next few weeks.  

Wish me luck!!!

Chalene Johnson's Turbofire

Chalene Johnson's TurboFire is the latest program to be introduced by Beachbody, the same people behind P90X and Insanity.  TurboFire if designed using the principles of High Intensity Interval Training (HITT) and is designed to help users burn 9x more fat in less the amount of time.  

TurboFire comes as a set of 11 DVDs, which are divided into 12 different workouts.  The first DVD, "Get Fired Up" introduces users with a step by step introduction on what to expect from the program; followed by the rest of the programs which fit into one of the following categories: Fire, HITT, CORE, Sculpt, Tone and Stretch.  Bottom line, Turbofire workouts are designed in a way to help you develop your cardiovascular strength, build your strength and have fun at the same time.  

Now even though I prefer working out in a gym setting, I may keep my eye on the the latest Beachbody collection, especially for those days I'm stuck at home and don't make it out to the gym.


Monday, February 14, 2011

Cynthia & Amy's 12 Week Challenge: Monday Weigh-In Wk #2

Week #2 of Cynthia and Amy's Weight Loss Challenge.  Here's how we did:  

After a not so good week with weigh in last week, I managed to lose 1.8 pounds.  I did bump things up with workouts for the week by throwing in some extra cardio and adding a ten minute run with each session.  I never thought I'd ever catch myself running for my dear life, but I've actually taken to it quite well and love the burst of energy it gives me with each workout.  

My goals for the week include staying within my alloted points for the week, since I kind of indulged on Saturday evening and ended up going way over in points; and continuing on with an extra cardio session including a 10 minute run each time I do cardio.  

Weekly Motivation: "You Can Do This!"

Well, so much for planning! I was down all week with a winter cold which really put a damper in meeting my weekly fitness plan. So I was only up for one gentle workout this week-zumba will have to wait until I am feeling up to it! When I weighed in this week I wasn't optimistic given my lack of movement - but I was down 2.6 pds! Seriously?! All of those herbal mugs of tea must have made the difference.  So my goal for next week is simple: get back on the treadmill and do my Jillian Michaels shred workout three times this week. And this will be the real challenge: stop obsessing about the number on the scale. I got into a skirt this week that I haven't been able to zip up since last summer. That cannot be measured!

Stay tuned for week #3!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Janet Jackson Interview on Dateline NBC

So glad I was able to catch Janet's interview on Dateline this evening.  Her open and candid interview on everything from her family upbringing, to depression, body image, and weight issues makes me love her even more!

In case you missed the interview, be sure to visit the dateline MSNBC video clips and an excerpt on her new book:

Natural, wholesome...

"Natural, wholesome, and un-processed food is like medicine".


Janet Jackson's True You

“I’m loved, I’m valued, and I’m capable of achieving balance in my life. I can learn to eat well. I can exercise. I can express gratitude for the simple act of being able to breathe in and breathe out. I can move away from darkness and depression to light and hope. I can be happy with who I am, not what I should be, or what I might have been, or what someone tells me I must be.
I am me, the true me; you are you, the true you—and that’s good. That’s beautiful. That’s enough.”

It's been a while since I last updated you all on the highly anticipated release of Janet's, True You, but the time has finally arrived and Janet's new new book is set to release on February 15, 2010.  

Janet's book is about meeting and facing all of the challenges that we all face in life, be it depression, emotional eating, yo-yo dieting, abuse, you name it.  Janet makes a brave attempt at sharing and addressing the many struggles she's endured all through out her life, and makes an attempt to embark on a loving journey toward finding and freeing herself.  

I am definitely looking forward to the release of this book and can't wait to get my hands on my own copy.


Contingency Plan for Cheating or Going Way Over Your Points

I wrote this blog post back in January 2009 when I was blogging on Sparkpeople on a regular and decided to post it in this blog after a little slip up I had last night at a friends social gathering.  Speaking of which, I'm beginning to HATE social gatherings, especially when surrounded by sinful, tempting delights.  I probably would have been alright, if I hadn't used up my free points earlier within the week, but I did over-indulge myself yesterday evening and ended up going way over points...52 points over.  So, rather than drowning myself in guilt, I'm actually going to work towards doing something about it (which is what I do when I have days like this).  I'm going to create a bit of a plan for this week in order to burn all the extra calories or points I had taken in and I'm going to set some personal goals to work towards in order to safe-guard myself from over-indulging at social gatherings in the near future.  

The particular plan listed below, originally comes from Joanna Hall and is filled with great strategies for Cheating or over-indulging.  Joanna's plan is geared towards planning prior to cheating taking place, but I have seen other plans where you can create a bit of a plan once cheating has taken place and you're trying to rid yourself of extra calories-as the saying goes, calories in, calories out.  

Contingency Plan for Cheating

What is it? 
An action that is put in place once you feel you have taken a step back on your weight loss journey. 

What is its Aim? 
To help you get on track and keep on track so that your lapse doesn't become a collapse. A Contingency Plan for Cheating stops you from feeling like you're failing. It puts you firmly in control, reinforcing your Template of Success, and stopping the Template of Failure from taking hold. 

What are the Guidelines of a Contingency Plan for Cheating? 

1. Play the 300 Calorie Game. 
Eat 300 fewer calories the day before an event and be sure to fit in a structured exercise session. Then eat 300 calories the day after. This can be done by cutting back on a snack or limiting portions. If you want you can fit in another exercise session. 

2. Double Carb Curfew 
Introduce a double carb curfew-lunch and supper-but do still have some slow releasing carbs at breakfast. 

3. Stay Hydrated 
Keep on top of properly hydrating yourself with water through-out the day. 

4. Veg-up! 
Use liquid foods to help curb your hunger and preserve your energy. Make yourself a vegetable based soup to eat before you go out to your function-this will help curb your appetite and line your stomach. 

5. Burn those Calories by: Walking a mile; accumulating 2000 steps on your pedometer; walking up and down your stairs for 5 minutes continuously; dancing enthusiastically to your favorite music for 12 minutes. 


Saturday, February 12, 2011

Let's Talk About Body Image

Interesting video...must say though, this woman is brave, cause there is no way in hell I'd be caught in my bra and panties on video-ever!:

Women-Don't Be Afraid of Those Weights!

Attended my WW meeting like I do every Saturday morning and as usual our leader spent the first 10 minutes acknowledging those who had made some sort of progress with their weight loss, be it a loss in weight, trying something new for exercise, or sticking to the plan.  One woman in particular was given special recognition for having made life-time, in other words, reaching her goal weight.  As proud of this woman as I was for her successful weight loss, I was a little put off at the same time.  The reason why is that, although this woman lost a significant amount of weight, she pretty much looked like a former image of her bigger self.  I know I sound harsh, but this woman had sagging skin everywhere, looked warn-out and tired, and looked as if she was suffering from something.  It occurred to me right then and there, that this woman didn't make use of any sort of strength conditioning while she was losing weight.  And she's not the only one, there's a lot of women in our meetings that believe 100% that they can lose weight by following the program alone without any sort of exercise. 

News flash: if you want to look like a fat image of your former self, then fine ditch the workouts, but if you want to look healthy, fit and have something to boast for, start exercising and more importantly getting in those strength training exercises!  

After seeing this woman, I in no way ever want to look the way she looked.  If so, there's no point in even trying to lose the weight to begin with.  

So ladies, my advice to you is in the process of losing weight, make the weights or any strength training program your friend.  It'll tighten, tone, and give you the look your after while losing weight.  


Chicken Soup for the Soul: Shaping the New You

Just came back from grocery shopping this evening and couldn't help but to pick up the new Chicken Soup for the Soul book, "Shaping the New You".  Safeway was selling them at 40% off the regular price, so I thought what the heck, might as well get it since I haven't seen a sweet deal for books in a long time.

Having briefly skimmed an online review of the book, Shaping the New you is filled with 101 inspiring stories about dieting and fitness and finding one's path towards health.  

It's a great book for those of you needing some motivation and opportunity to learn what has worked for others in terms of diet and fitness.

Well, I know what I'll be doing tonight.  Curling up with my new read and a warm cup of tea.


Flirty Girl Fitness

Ha, ha, just saw the commercial for the new "Flirty Girl Fitness Program" and couldn't help but to laugh out loud.  This can't be for real?

Filling Foods...What Are They?

I didn't realize the importance of filling foods until I joined the Weight Watchers program and heard its importance reiterated again while reading, "The Cheater's Diet" by Marisa Lippert (look out for a blog post on her book).  

When it came to meals in the past, I would opt for whatever I was craving for, and couldn't quite make the connection as to why I'd be hungry literally minutes after sitting down to meals.  Well you know what my problem was?  The lack of filling foods in my diet.  And what do I mean by filling foods?  Foods that keep you satiated from one meal to the next and really keep hunger in check.

So with the messages I've been hearing over and over again about the importance of incorporating filling foods into your diet, I've been making an effort to structure my meals in such a way so that I'm fueling my body all day long with the foods that not only satisfy me but keep me full in between meals.  

To give you an example of some of the filling foods that I've adopted as of late, here's a list of some of the foods I've been making a large part of my diet:
  • Oatmeal with berries
  • Apple and peanut butter
  • Popcorn
  • Nuts
  • Yogurt with sunflower seeds
  • Slice of sprouted grain toast with peanut butter
  • Edamame beans
  • Sweet potatoes
  • Brown Rice
  • Stir fry with broccoli
If you're not quite sure what type of foods do the trick in terms of creating a feeling of fullness between meals, then take the next couple of weeks to really experiment with meals and track down which one's tend to keep you full with each meal.

Discovering The Joy's of Running

While working out at the gym the other day by doing a fast paced walk on incline on the treadmill, I decided to step things up a notch by doing a 10 minute straight run on the treadmill.  Now for those of you who know me, and know me well, that was huge, considering the fact that I've never really liked running and find it quite overwhelming to do.  But you know what I'm going to do to challenge myself with my workouts from now on?  I'm going to continue with my regular cardio program, but I'm going to step things up by adding a 10 minute run at the end of each workout session.  I can already hear the inner voice in my head discouraging me already, but I've come so far over the last few months with my health in general that there's no stopping me now!  So look out world, cause here I come!!!


Friday, February 11, 2011

Jennifer Hudson on Weight Watchers-Recap

For those of you who missed the show: 

What's the Weight Really About?

Ever since watching Oprah yesterday, I can't stop thinking about a question I've heard her ask, time and time on her show, while featuring anything having to do with weight loss.  The statement/question:  What's the Weight Really About?  This question has had me really thinking about why we as women struggle with weight issues to begin with whereby we put on a few pounds, a few more, and before you we know it we let our weight spiral out of control.  

When I ponder this question on a deeper level, I can easily go back to stages of my life where I have dealt with weight issues (this can be on either side of the spectrum) and know exactly what I was dealing with at the time that caused me to put on a significant amount of weight.  Even now, it occurred to me while chatting with a close friend last night that because I'm finally in a good place in life-happy, challenging myself, finally taking control of my life back the weight just seems to be melting off.  However, just months back it was a completely different story.  I wasn't at a happy place, and couldn't shake the weight no matter how hard I tried.  Old habits would continue to creep up and before you know it those habits would take pride in comforting my deeply wounded soul.

It's an interesting question indeed, and one that anyone who's ever struggled with a weight issue should ask themselves.  So ask yourself...what's the weight really about?

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Healthy Girls Rock!

Now this is exactly how I want my body...beautiful!


You Know You've Arrived When...

I was feeling pumped and energized to make it to my local gym for my work-out and managed to make it, when I received a phone-call that would would drive any dieter INSANE...hubby calling me up and requesting for me to buy him a hamburger.  Are you kidding me??? Here I am working diligently at watching my diet and sculpting my figure and you're asking me to buy you a fricken burger???

Well, I did what every good wife would do, and caved in.  I obliged my husband and went to the nearest burger joint and bought him his damn burger.  But, and a BIG BUT, what was remarkable was that I wasn't one bit moved, nor tempted like I usually am to give in and purchase anything for myself.  Now that's huge considering the fact that I'm human like everyone else and have struggled in the past with saying no to temptation.  Put anything loaded with tons of sugar, salt, and fat, and I'm game.  But tonight was a milestone for me and goes to show just how far I've come with my weight loss journey.  Mind you, I'm still a work in progress, but it feels good to finally be seeing some dividends with my hard work.

Jennifer Hudson on Weight Watchers-Personal Reflections

Like millions of viewers out there, I was ecstatic when it was announced that Jennifer Hudson would be appearing on the Oprah Winfrey show today.  I wanted so badly to leave all other obligations and watch the show, but I had to wait it out and watch the PVR'd  version when I got home.  

When I finally arrived home, finished preparing dinner, feeding my daughter and tidying up, I plopped myself up on the sofa, switched on the PVR and became absorbed in my Jennifer moment.  

As I was getting lost in the moment; becoming even more pumped when Jennifer landed on stage, my moment had ended quite abruptly when Oprah had asked how much weight she had lost while following the Weight Watchers program.  For those of you who captured the moment, I'm sure I'm not the only one who felt a little awkwardness when Jennifer glanced over at her leader to seek approval on whether or not to answer the question or not.  What was even more awkward and quite embarrassing, at the same time, was when Oprah realized what was going on and called Liz, Jennifer's leader, on what the big deal was in sharing how much weight she had lost.  To be quite frank, I was immediately turned off, when Liz started going on about how Weight Watchers is not about the numbers and is all about how you feel and yada, yada, yada.  I thought Liz's statement was rather ironic when Weight Watchers is all about numbers.  Was this woman for real???  For God's sake, every time you attend a WW group meeting, you're expected to hop on the scale each and every time you attend a session to see how well you're progressing with weight loss.  I mean that really is a large part of the program, following the principles set in place, and in turn tracking your success by weighing in. 

I don't know if the secrecy around Jennifer revealing her weight was a whole marketing thing, but I'm so glad that Oprah pushed and ended up getting Jennifer to reveal just how much weight she had lost while following Weight Watchers.  It seemed that Jennifer would have been quite comfortable revealing the numbers to begin with, but the whole dynamic between her and her leader, Liz, were rather strange and didn't do a whole lot for advancing the image of WW in my opinion.  So as my girlfriend would say, that was a big FAIL on their part.  

Despite the slip up with WW on the Oprah Winfrey show, there are a handful of us who still believe in the program and would advocate for it 110%.  So, when J. Hudd says it works, she really does mean what she says- it really does work.

Jennifer Hudson Set to Premiere on Oprah

Quick Reminder not to forget to watch Oprah this evening with Jennifer Hudson:

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Weight Watchers Success Story

I was browsing the latest Weight Watchers discussion boards on facebook, when I came across a link that someone had posted on the weight loss success story of a woman named Carolynne.  Carolynne's story is truly a remarkable one and no matter where you are in the weight loss process, hers is a story that I'm sure most women can relate with.  Carolynne's success with weight loss, shows just what can happen when you set your mind to a given task and use sheer determination to reach your goals.  

For a link to the complete story click here:


Sara Ramirez Hits the Cover of Latina Magazine

Watch out for the next issue of Latina magazine with Grey's Anatomy star, Sara Ramirez,  set to hit stands on Feb. 15th.  I absolutely adore this cover, and think that Sara looks absolutely gorgeous!  I just love her naturally curvy figure...simply beautiful!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Jennifer Hudson Set to Premiere on Oprah

Don't want to miss the Oprah Winfrey show on Thursday as she will be featuring the lovely Jennifer Hudson and will be showcasing her amazing weight loss transformation.  I know I will definitely have my PVR set for that day!


Monday, February 7, 2011

Jillian Michaels' Ripped in 30

For all of you Jillian Michaels' fans out there, the celebrity fitness trainer is at it again.  She's getting ready to release her latest workout video, "Ripped in 30" come March 2011.  For those of you who have ever tried Jillian's 30 Day Shred, Ripped in 30 not only delivers in the shortest amount of time possible but guarantees results in just 4 weeks.

Here's a preview of the new video:


Cynthia & Amy's 12 Week Challenge: Monday Weigh-In Wk #1

It's that time of the week ya'll, the day in which Cynthia and Amy update you readers on our weigh-in at Weight Watchers this past weekend.  So how did we do?  

I'll start by admitting that I was a little bummed by this week's weigh-in.  Despite tracking diligently and eating a pretty sound diet, I ended up gaining +1.2 pounds.  I figured it's no sweat considering the fact that it was probably water retained from my monthly gift and the fact that I didn't get as much exercise in as anticipated due to a back issue I was dealing with.  I'm not letting this stress me one bit as this week is a new week to get back on track and continue towards my goals.  

My goal for this week is to work-up to getting 4 cardio sessions and 2 continue with 2 days of circuit training for strength.

Weekly Motivation:  Stick with matter how hard weight loss may be, as long as you stick to your goals you will prevail in the end. 

Total weight lost for the week -2.4 pounds (lucky son of a gun).  In reflecting on weight loss over the week, Amy feels that she's finally on track and loving the results.  She's quite proud of herself for having been pretty good with her eating this weekend.  For example, she ended up ordering pizza over the weekend and had 2 slices, a salad and a light beer.  Before, Amy would have had 4 slices and called it a day, but she's progressed toward being more mindful of her eating and watching those portions.  

Goals for Amy this week include pulling out a couple of WW recipes and trying out a few new dishes so she doesn't get bored with what she's eating; and adding a Zumba class to her 3 work-out days.  

Weekly Motivation:  This is real life [weight watchers].  This isn't a diet, it's a lifestyle change.  

Be sure to stay tuned next week for Wk #2 of Cynthia and Amy's 12 Week Challenge.