Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Setting of Weight Loss Goals for 2011

It's the start of a New Year and with that comes the setting of new goals to help guide me through 2011.  During this time, I usually grab my personal journal, reflect, and jot down all the things I hope to accomplish both within my personal and family life, and career before the end of the new year.  The setting of weight loss goals is no exception and because I'm still in the process of getting rid of these stubborn pounds I am looking ahead and setting a new plan to get rid of this weight once and for all.

So what exactly is my plan for 2011?
Goal:  My overall goal is to lose a total of 40 pounds between now and the end of the year (if sooner, even better).  Seems like a lot, but I believe with the right attitude and mind set it can and will be done.

And how exactly will I do this:
For starters I plan on:

1.  Keeping things quite simple as far as diet is concerned.  I'm still going to continue with Weight Watchers since it's the one program that has worked to date in helping me keep up with ongoing, consistent weight loss.  It's also the one program that is realistic in nature and fits with my overall lifestyle.

2.  Making time for exercise-I know I wasn't as consistent in this department in 2010, but for 2011 I am going to strive to find a plan that fits my hectic schedule and one that I can be consistent with from week to week.  I think for now, I may try and fit in 3-4 days of cardio, along with 3-4 strength sessions each week and 2 core training sessions.

3.  Increasing my water intake-I'm pretty good in the water department as it is, but I can increase my water intake a notch to ensure that I'm getting in the amount of water my body needs on a daily basis.

4.  Finding a way to deal with emotional eating-this is one area I really need to work on if I'm going to reach my weight loss goals.  I'm getting better with each day, but I need to have a solid plan in place when confronted with challenging and stressful times.  

So that's it!  These are the goals I want to work towards as far as weight loss is concerned for 2011 and by keeping my goals as simple as possible, I should have no problems in sticking to and reaching my weight goals by the end of the year.

Wish me luck!

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