Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Grocery Haul: Weight Watchers Granola Bites

So my girlfriend recently introduced me to a new Weight Watchers product she discovered while doing her grocery shopping at Costco the other day.  They're called Granola Bites (Whitman brand of candies) and ever since trying these bite-sized pieces of heaven I've been hooked.  They come in 3 assortment of flavors: peanut butter granola, chocolate granola, and original granola and the best thing of all, they're only 1 point in value (for both the old points and the new points plus).  I find them quite rich in flavor that I only ever eat 2-3/day and I find they do quite the job in satisfying my sweet tooth.  

As you can see from the pictures, my girlfriend ended up taking me to Costco this afternoon an I went a little over-board by purchasing a whole box for myself.  I know, a little crazy, but hey when you come across something as good as these, you better stock up as you never know when they may go out of stock (smiles).  

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