Sunday, January 23, 2011

Create Your Own Index of Meal Options

Do you ever get frustrated with trying to figure out how to plan your meals???  Does it feel as if you tend to eat the same things over and over again and can't seem to figure out what other meal options exist?  Perhaps an idea I came across in Judith Becks, "The Beck Diet Solution: train your brain to think like a think person," may help.  I adopted the original exercise to suit my needs (A-type needs), but it'll do for anyone just the same.

So here's what you do.  Grab a handful of index cards and a marker and come up with as many ideas as you can for each of your meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks).  For example, if you start with breakfast your set of cards might look something like this:

Breakfast Option # 1: Oatmeal, almond milk, flaxseed, and fruit

Breakfast Option  # 2: Scrambled eggs, bacon, and toast-etc.

Your snacks might look like this:

Snack Option #1: yogurt and sunflower seeds

Snack Option # 2: Triscuits, cheese string, and turkey stick-etc.

And that's it as far as tracking meal options.  If you have an index box or folder you can store your meal option cards and build them as you come across additional ideas for meals.  I think this is a great tool for anyone who constantly struggles with coming up with ideas for meals and it helps take the guess work out of planning.

Happy planning!

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