Friday, January 14, 2011

Dispelling Commonly Held Weight Watchers Beliefs...

The best thing that Weight Watchers ever did to raise its profile and appeal to a younger demographic was choosing Jennifer Hudson as a company spokesperson.  I say this because ever since joining Weight Watchers the commonly held belief that many of my friends have held about Weight Watchers is that it is a program for the depressed, frumpy, middle-aged woman.  I'll admit that I used to hold this belief myself until I started researching the program and seeing just how much success many, especially those my age, were having while following it.  

The program really does work and as long as you stick to your weekly allotted points and adopt the behaviors necessary for the program, you will lose weight.  It's been since the end of September that I've been following the program and I have had really great success with it.  Sure like any program, I've had my ups and downs, but one thing is for sure and that is that I've been consistent with weight loss from week to week.

So for those of you who still believe that Weight Watchers is a program for the middle-aged woman, I beg to differ, it's a program for all- different genders, ages, races, ethnicities etc.  It's a program that works for anybody and as long as you stick with it, you will see guaranteed success.


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