Sunday, January 30, 2011

4 Week Re-cap

It's been the end of 4 weeks on the Weight Watchers program and I'm officially down 12 pounds.  Can you believe that?  12 pounds by sticking to the plan, eating primarily clean for the most part, still incorporating little treats here and there into my diet and exercising a few times a week.  

I've often made references while discussing the program with my friends that something feels different about this time, and in saying that, I truly believe that something feels different about losing weight this time around.  After the last couple of years of experimenting with all sorts of diets and programs, I've finally found a system that works for me in terms of weight loss, and one that I feel fully in control on.  Not only that, I've been investing the time to work on myself by doing work with the help of Judith Bech ( and Bob Greene ( and have been working on the areas of my life that have caused me to hang on to weight over the years.  So with all of this, something surely feels different this time around and will continue to feel different as the time goes by.  

Look out world cause here I come!

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