Saturday, January 8, 2011

Challenge Yourself and Up Your Veggies!

This month and from now until I reach my goal weight, I am challenging myself by upping my vegetable intake.  On the Weight Watchers program, followers, are encouraged to aim for 5-6 servings of vegetables/day.  I'd say I'm not doing bad in that I get just around that between fruit and veggies combined, but I can do better by aiming for a little more veggies in my diet.  

With that said, I'm challenging myself to incorporate more veggies through-out my meals with at least 2 of my main meals being primarily comprised of veggies and at least one snack.  

For those of you who can stand to add a little more veggies to your diet, I challenge you for this month to incorporate a little more by the way of your meals.

Let's do this!!!

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