Saturday, January 22, 2011

If You Lost...

Saw this posted by one of the members on the Weight Watchers Facebook page and thought this was a nice little motivation to help those of us trying to lose weight stay on target with our goals.  This applies specifically to Americans, so I'll have to post one up for those of us from Canada:

If You Lost a Pound a Week in 2011..

By Valentine's Day you'd be 7 lbs. lighter... How lovely!

By St. Patrick's Day you'd be 11 lbs. lighter... Who needs Luck of the Irish?

By Easter you'd be 16 lbs. lighter... Talk about a happy spring!

By Memorial Day you'd be 23 lbs. lighter... Is there a better way to kick off summer?

By Flag Day you'd be 25 lbs. lighter... Just another thing to take pride in!
By Independence Day you'd be 27 lbs. lighter... Another step towards independence from bad habits!

By Labor Day you'd be 36 lbs. lighter... What a day off!

By Columbus Day you'd be 41 lbs. lighter... And discovering a lot about what you can do!

By Halloween you'd be 44 lbs. lighter... Hopefully by now you've overcome your fears!

By Thanksgiving you'd be 47 lbs. lighter... With so much to be thankful for!
By Christmas Eve you'd be 51 lbs. lighter... You'd have plenty of reason to be merry!

By New Year's Eve you'd be 52 lbs. lighter... It's not just a new year, It's a new You!

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