Saturday, January 22, 2011


Today's Weight Watchers meeting primarily focused on the importance of flexibility while following the Weight Watchers program.  The reason our leader focused on this aspect of the program is that she's still finding that those who are following the program are refraining from using their free weekly points, as well as their activity points for fear of not losing weight on the program.  According to the program's philosophy and from my personal experience, the program is designed in such a way that you can still use your daily alloted points, dip into your free weekly and activity points and lose weight.  In fact, the program encourages you to do so. 

Our leader refers to Weight Watchers (WW) as a real-life program for real folks and she's right when she says that.  We don't live in a bubble and can't shelter ourselves completely from indulging ourselves every now and then.  In fact, the leader doesn't even see the WW program as a diet.  It's a way of life and in saying that, WW is the one program that enables you not only to enjoy food (and really enjoy it) but lose weight at the same time.  You tell me, can life get any better than that?  

So my goal from now until I reach my goal is to not be so rigid in following WW and to really make the best of the program while losing weight.  So yes, I'm going to utilize my weekly freebies, along with my activity points and spurge from time to time.  The program's been working in my favor since I starting back up again...I'm down 7.6 pounds in 3 weeks and feeling pretty good with my weight loss efforts.  

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