Monday, January 31, 2011

Enjoy the Goodness of Avocados

Did you know that Avocados can be used as a great alternative to mayonnaise, especially for those with sensitivities to mayo and the inability to properly digest it?  

I dare you, substitute one of your favorite creamy dishes with mayo, you'll be unable to tell the difference!

Sunday, January 30, 2011

There is no...

"There is no quick fix to weight loss".


Killing US Softly

A look into Advertising's Image of women with Jane Kilbourne:

4 Week Re-cap

It's been the end of 4 weeks on the Weight Watchers program and I'm officially down 12 pounds.  Can you believe that?  12 pounds by sticking to the plan, eating primarily clean for the most part, still incorporating little treats here and there into my diet and exercising a few times a week.  

I've often made references while discussing the program with my friends that something feels different about this time, and in saying that, I truly believe that something feels different about losing weight this time around.  After the last couple of years of experimenting with all sorts of diets and programs, I've finally found a system that works for me in terms of weight loss, and one that I feel fully in control on.  Not only that, I've been investing the time to work on myself by doing work with the help of Judith Bech ( and Bob Greene ( and have been working on the areas of my life that have caused me to hang on to weight over the years.  So with all of this, something surely feels different this time around and will continue to feel different as the time goes by.  

Look out world cause here I come!

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Sculpt Your Body with LL Cool J

I don't know how many fella's out there actually read fitness/nutrition books, but I've come across LL Cool J's "Platinum Workout" a few times and thought I'd post it on my blog for all those fella's out there that check in from time to time.  I've been tempted a few times to purchase a copy for hubby, but figured I might as well save the $$ as he's feels that he knows what he needs to do when he hits the gym and certainly doesn't need LL Cool J or any ol' fitness book telling him what to do as far as sculpting his body (lol). 

Either way, the book looks like an interesting read so fella's, if LL's "Platinum Workout" some how peaks your interest, be sure to check out your local bookstore for a copy, or you can do it the old fashioned way and get a copy through your local library. 


Weight Watchers Plan Friendly Guide

I was browsing the the Weight Watchers website this evening when I came across, this handy dandy guide of essential food items to assist with grocery shopping while following the plan.  I think it's a great little tool for those of us who often struggle with figuring out what to prepare for meals on a day by day basis as it not only takes the guess work out of grocery shopping, but makes weight loss a little more easier by having the right foods on hand.

Fridge staples
  • reduced-fat or fat-free hard cheese, such as parmesan
  • grated cheese
  • cream cheese
  • cottage cheese

  • mustard
  • ketchup
  • light or nonfat butter
  • light or nonfat margarine
  • low-fat salad dressing
  • low-fat sour cream
  • light mayonnaise

Cooking essentials:
  • bottled minced garlic
  • fresh lemons and limes to squeeze for juice

Diet beverages:
  • flavoured waters and seltzers
  • soda
  • light juice cocktails
  • sugar-free lemonade mixes

  • hummus
  • black bean dip
  • fat-free or low-fat sour cream-based dips

Eggs/liquid egg substitute

Fresh Fruit:

  • whole items such as apples and plums
  • cut up melons and mixed fresh fruit salad

Fresh vegetables:
  • whole items for slicing and dicing
  • bagged salad mixes
  • Cut-up vegetables for dips

Hot dogs and bacon:
  • Canadian-style bacon
  • light turkey or pastrami bacon
  • reduced-fat or fat-free hot dogs

Luncheon meats:
  • deli-sliced turkey breast
  • lean ham
  • roast beef

Meat, fish and poultry:
  • lean beef
  • skinless fish
  • lean ground chicken
  • turkey breast

Meat alternatives:
  • soy dogs
  • tofu
  • tempeh
  • seitan

  • skim
  • 1%
  • buttermilk

  • tortillas
  • wonton wrappers
  • fresh pastas

Yogurts/smoothies (low-fat or fat-free varieties)
Freezer staples Breakfast items:
  • whole-grain waffles
  • pre-made pancakes

Frozen desserts:
  • light and fat-free ice creams, muffins and cakes

Frozen Entrees (light breakfasts, lunches, dinners and side dishes)

Frozen Fruit (for baking and making smoothies)

Frozen Starches (low-fat/low-calorie potatoes and squashes)

Frozen Vegetables (whole, cut-up and sliced for soups, stir-fries and other entrees)

Meal kits (Asian stir-fries that include already cut veggies and light sauces)
Meat substitutes:

  • veggie burgers
  • soy products

Meat, fish and poultry:
  • lean beef
  • skinless fish
  • lean ground chicken
  • lean ground turkey breast

Soup (bean-based, broths for cooking)
Pantry staples Baking mixes/needs:
  • angel food cake
  • spice cake
  • reduced-calorie pancake and brownie mix
  • light or fat-free, sugar-free pudding and gelatin mixes
  • sugar and/or sugar substitutes

Beans and lentils (canned and dried; kidney, pinto, black, chickpeas, etc.)


  • light whole-wheat or whole-grain breads
  • reduced-calorie hamburger and hot dog buns
  • pre-made thin pizza crust
  • reduced-fat crackers

Canned fish (tuna and salmon packed in water)

Canned vegetables and soups:

  • pureed pumpkin for baking
  • chopped chilies
  • canned artichoke hearts
  • fat-free broth
  • reduced-fat tomato-based soups

Canned fruit (packed in water or their own juice)

  • high-fibre varieties
  • dry oats and farina
  • instant flavoured oatmeal

Dried fruit/vegetables:
  • cranberries
  • raisins
  • apricots
  • sun-dried tomatoes
  • dehydrated vegetable snack mixes


Oil, vinegar, cooking spray and other bottled sauces/dressings

  • teriyaki
  • reduced-sodium soy
  • reduced-calorie syrup
  • olive-oil flavoured cooking spray, etc.

Pasta, rice and other dry grains:
  • whole-wheat pasta
  • brown and wild rice
  • bulgur
  • couscous

Peanut butter or other nut butters/nuts

Savoury snacks:

  • light popcorn
  • baked chips
  • portion-controlled cracker packs

  • dried herbs and spices
  • prepackaged seasoning packets

Shelf-stable vegetables:
  • whole onions
  • heads of garlic
  • potatoes

Sweet snacks (reduced-fat and fat-free candy, cookies and chocolates)

Tomato sauce and paste:

  • bottled and canned
  • plain and seasoned

Popular getting-started must-haves
  • Canned, fat-free refried beans (for burritos, quesadillas and vegetable dips)
  • Flavoured mustards (such as tarragon, dill and honey mustards for sandwiches, potato and poultry toppings)
  • Flavoured salsas/canned seasoned tomato products (for potato toppings, vegetable dips, poultry and fish, Mexican-based dishes)
  • Frozen veggie burgers (black bean, Southwestern- and Indian-flavoured and soy burgers)
  • Grapes (wash and freeze for a frozen treat)
  • Gum
  • High-fibre crunchy cereal (to snack on or mix into yogurt)
  • High-quality dark chocolate
  • Highly flavoured vinegars (high-quality balsamic vinegar and herb-infused vinegars)
  • Highly flavoured cheeses (Parmigiano Reggiano, crumbled feta, blue cheese)
  • Highly flavoured oils (toasted sesame, walnut, extra-virgin olive oil)
  • Light crackers/cookies (look for pre-portioned snack packs)
  • Light or fat-free whipped topping (for dessert toppings or as a dip/topping for fresh fruit)
  • Light or nonfat sour cream and plain yogurt (for making dips and sauces; plain, fat-free Greek yogurt is nice and thick — perfect as a chili/stew topping and thicker creamy sauces)
  • Low-fat microwave popcorn
  • Mini packs of low-fat cottage cheese
  • Pistachios in shells/tamari roasted almonds
  • Whole-wheat pitas/tortillas/wraps (use for sandwiches or slice, season and toast for homemade chips)
  • Soy chips/baked chips/flavoured rice cakes
  • Spaghetti squash (bake and remove flesh with a fork as a pasta alternative)
  • String cheese
  • Sugar-free, fat-free pudding and gelatin
  • Sugar-free, fat-free fudge pops, ices and ice cream bars
  • Sweet potatoes (for homemade oven-baked fries)
  • Whole-wheat pasta and whole-wheat couscous

Friday, January 28, 2011

Sunday, January 23, 2011

There are only...

"There are only 2 options: MAKE PROGRESS OR MAKE EXCUSES"


Janet Jackson's, "Rock With You"

Latest work-out tune...makes me want to seriously consider getting into dance again:

Create Your Own Index of Meal Options

Do you ever get frustrated with trying to figure out how to plan your meals???  Does it feel as if you tend to eat the same things over and over again and can't seem to figure out what other meal options exist?  Perhaps an idea I came across in Judith Becks, "The Beck Diet Solution: train your brain to think like a think person," may help.  I adopted the original exercise to suit my needs (A-type needs), but it'll do for anyone just the same.

So here's what you do.  Grab a handful of index cards and a marker and come up with as many ideas as you can for each of your meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks).  For example, if you start with breakfast your set of cards might look something like this:

Breakfast Option # 1: Oatmeal, almond milk, flaxseed, and fruit

Breakfast Option  # 2: Scrambled eggs, bacon, and toast-etc.

Your snacks might look like this:

Snack Option #1: yogurt and sunflower seeds

Snack Option # 2: Triscuits, cheese string, and turkey stick-etc.

And that's it as far as tracking meal options.  If you have an index box or folder you can store your meal option cards and build them as you come across additional ideas for meals.  I think this is a great tool for anyone who constantly struggles with coming up with ideas for meals and it helps take the guess work out of planning.

Happy planning!

Saturday, January 22, 2011


"Simply distracting yourself even in the most mundane ways can enable you to ride out a craving".

Janie Jibrin from Bob Greene's, "The Life You Want"

Jazmine Sullivan Looking Leaner

Looks like Jazmine Sullivan has jumped on the weight loss bandwagon and has leaned out slightly a bit.  At least she still looks quite healthy and has managed to hold on to those curves we've known her so well for.



Today's Weight Watchers meeting primarily focused on the importance of flexibility while following the Weight Watchers program.  The reason our leader focused on this aspect of the program is that she's still finding that those who are following the program are refraining from using their free weekly points, as well as their activity points for fear of not losing weight on the program.  According to the program's philosophy and from my personal experience, the program is designed in such a way that you can still use your daily alloted points, dip into your free weekly and activity points and lose weight.  In fact, the program encourages you to do so. 

Our leader refers to Weight Watchers (WW) as a real-life program for real folks and she's right when she says that.  We don't live in a bubble and can't shelter ourselves completely from indulging ourselves every now and then.  In fact, the leader doesn't even see the WW program as a diet.  It's a way of life and in saying that, WW is the one program that enables you not only to enjoy food (and really enjoy it) but lose weight at the same time.  You tell me, can life get any better than that?  

So my goal from now until I reach my goal is to not be so rigid in following WW and to really make the best of the program while losing weight.  So yes, I'm going to utilize my weekly freebies, along with my activity points and spurge from time to time.  The program's been working in my favor since I starting back up again...I'm down 7.6 pounds in 3 weeks and feeling pretty good with my weight loss efforts.  

Healthy Girls Rock!

Photo source:

If You Lost...

Saw this posted by one of the members on the Weight Watchers Facebook page and thought this was a nice little motivation to help those of us trying to lose weight stay on target with our goals.  This applies specifically to Americans, so I'll have to post one up for those of us from Canada:

If You Lost a Pound a Week in 2011..

By Valentine's Day you'd be 7 lbs. lighter... How lovely!

By St. Patrick's Day you'd be 11 lbs. lighter... Who needs Luck of the Irish?

By Easter you'd be 16 lbs. lighter... Talk about a happy spring!

By Memorial Day you'd be 23 lbs. lighter... Is there a better way to kick off summer?

By Flag Day you'd be 25 lbs. lighter... Just another thing to take pride in!
By Independence Day you'd be 27 lbs. lighter... Another step towards independence from bad habits!

By Labor Day you'd be 36 lbs. lighter... What a day off!

By Columbus Day you'd be 41 lbs. lighter... And discovering a lot about what you can do!

By Halloween you'd be 44 lbs. lighter... Hopefully by now you've overcome your fears!

By Thanksgiving you'd be 47 lbs. lighter... With so much to be thankful for!
By Christmas Eve you'd be 51 lbs. lighter... You'd have plenty of reason to be merry!

By New Year's Eve you'd be 52 lbs. lighter... It's not just a new year, It's a new You!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Dr OZ: Weight Watchers Points Plus Program

Part one:
A Cutting-Edge Plan to Lose Weight, Pt. 1

Part two:
A Cutting-Edge Plan to Lose Weight, Pt. 2

It Takes...

"It takes 21 days of doing something consistent to eventually make it a habit, and the same can be said about adopting healthy habits as far as nutrition and exercise go".

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

George Michael's, "Flawless"...

I just love this song and the video rocks too!!!  The message just hits home for me...

Grocery Haul: Weight Watchers Granola Bites

So my girlfriend recently introduced me to a new Weight Watchers product she discovered while doing her grocery shopping at Costco the other day.  They're called Granola Bites (Whitman brand of candies) and ever since trying these bite-sized pieces of heaven I've been hooked.  They come in 3 assortment of flavors: peanut butter granola, chocolate granola, and original granola and the best thing of all, they're only 1 point in value (for both the old points and the new points plus).  I find them quite rich in flavor that I only ever eat 2-3/day and I find they do quite the job in satisfying my sweet tooth.  

As you can see from the pictures, my girlfriend ended up taking me to Costco this afternoon an I went a little over-board by purchasing a whole box for myself.  I know, a little crazy, but hey when you come across something as good as these, you better stock up as you never know when they may go out of stock (smiles).  

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Katy Perry-Firework

A little inspiration for the day-one of my favorite songs right now:

Men's Health Big Book of Nutrition

I tend to forget just how many men actually follow or read my blogs, so men this post is particularly for you.  

Now for those of you out there that have the fitness side of things down packed, but struggle with nutrition and what to typically eat to gain mass, you want to invest in Men's Health, "Big Book of Nutrition".  This book ultimately offers a guide to shopping, dining, and cooking towards a leaner, fitter and healthier body.  If you're already familiar with The Men's Health Big Book of Fitness, this book is based on the same format and is filled with easy to follow tips for eating and overall nutrition.  

While out shopping I took a sneak peak at the book, and from my account, it looks like a book worth investing in.  


Weight Watchers Peanut Butter Mini Bar Snacks

I'm not usually a big fan of endorsing processed or packaged goods, but, and a BIG but at that, I just discovered the Weight Watchers Peanut Butter Mini snack bars and ohhhhhhh are they ever good.  No seriously, they are unbelievable- one of the best bars I've ever tried to date.  I was hooked on the Slim Fast Peanut Butter Crunch bars for a while, but now I think I've found a new love for snack bars and they're only 2 points.

Finding What Works

I't's been 3 weeks since getting back into the gym and I think I've finally found a routine that works best for me.  I'll be the first to admit that I'm not too fond of working out and often find it difficult to motivate myself to go.  However, the latest change I've made this year with my works-outs is adopting a system that not only works for me but something that I can stick to for a long time.  

What I've been doing is cutting back my cardio sessions to just 3 sessions/week for 30 minutes and 2 full body circuit sessions a week.  It may not seem like a lot for those fitness gurus out there, but you know what, it works for me and I have much more motivation then ever to complete my work-outs on a week to week basis.  

So my message to all those out there who struggle with getting your work-outs in, start small.  Do what you can manage and what works for you.  

A Trainer Tells All...

I was reading one of my friends' blogs when I came across his feature of a trainer who shared his learnings and experiences of working as a trainer in the fitness industry over the last 12 years or so.  His account is complete with really great tips and tricks to help guide those of us trying to in shape-hope you enjoy:

I was riding my mountain bike yesterday and all of the sudden it just came to me. I just started thinking about how many things I’ve learned through my own personal working out (since I was a kid and playing competitive sports) as well as being a trainer (since 1998). So today I just wanted to share some of the things this 36yr old has personally learned about all things health and fitness….in no certain order….
  • Pushups are the best upper body workout designed….no machine can replace that…you don’t need any equipment and you can do them anywhere.
  • It’s easy to become a certified trainer (as I have seen overweight people become certified)….it’s not easy to work as one full time (hence a high turnover rate in many clubs)
  • Diet is 85% of where results come from…..for muscle and fat loss. Many don’t focus here enough.
  • Working out too much doesn’t lead to good results….hence most people are still struggling after years of hard effort and little return.
  • Most people do not lift heavy enough to make stronger muscles.
  • It’s never too late to build muscle….and is more important as we grow older.
  • The only real cure is prevention….don’t get sick in the first place otherwise you may be in for a long road back to health
  • If you eat whole foods that have been around for 1000s of years, you probably don’t have to worry about counting calories
  • Sugar is not our friend
  • High Fructose Corn Syrup is making people fat and sick
  • The biggest 2 threats to our health are inflammation (silent and chronic) and insulin resistance
  • Our dependence on gyms to workout may be keeping people fat….as walking down a street and pushups in your home are free everyday…but people are not seeing it that way.
  • If I had to pick one sport for a child to start with it would be gymnastics, the strength/speed/balance/body control they will learn can be applied to any sport down the road.
  • I hate to jog….I love to run
  • Never listen to any advertising telling you what is healthy….as they are just trying to sell you something
  • There is no such thing as spot reduction…but there is a great business in selling that concept (Ab-reclining chair anyone?)
  • The fittest people I know keep active daily doing what they enjoy
  • Fitness and Muscle magazines never got me any real results
  • Supplements were are waste of a lot of money for me
  • The best performance enhancing thing I know of….is a cup of coffee 30min before a workout/playing sports.
  • To build muscle, throw away your Whey protein and eat more steak and eggs
  • More people are taking muscle building hormones than will ever admit to you
  • The best way to lose weight for most is lower carbohydrate eating/cycling
  • I was skipping breakfast long before I ever found out about intermittent fasting (IF)
  • It’s a lot easier to stay fit and strong….once you get there
  • Meat and Fat are my friends
  • Muscle size does not tell a person’s real strength
  • Muscle size is mostly glycogen and water
  • Whole foods can never be replaced by a multi-vitamin
  • Most people need some Fish Oil to control inflammation
  • Many brain functions may be vastly improved with a diet of no sugar/higher fats (esp DHA from fish/fish oil)
  • Breakfast is not the most important meal of the day
  • Eating 6x a day provides no metabolic advantage for losing weight than 2-3x a day…it’s still about calories and blood sugar/insulin control
  • Mainstream media is 5 years behind research studies….research studies are 10 years behind what people are already doing for health and results
  • The eat low-fat advice was the biggest health disaster in the last 30 years
  • The greatest learning experience was helping people with autoimmune/arthritis to get healthier…..I never got more appreciation for my own health and how important prevention really is.
  • The saddest thing to see is someone crippled by a potentially preventable disease while they are young which keeps them from doing simple daily activities and on multiple medications
  • I was 215 lbs in college and thought I was big and had muscles….now at a much leaner and defined 185lbs I know I was more fat than muscles back then
  • I can still keep up with the 21 yr old hockey players…..I just am a little more sore the next day now….
  • Mountain biking is fun….snapping off my derailer and making it a single speed is even more fun
  • The smartest trainer I know does not have a website or best selling ebook….as he is too busy training real clients
  • Apple Cider Vinegar is the only medicine I take if I feel sick
  • I can go up and down up to 10lbs in a week depending on glycogen and water balance
  • The first big amount of lbs you lose in the first week dieting is mostly water
  • If you want to get better at running….you run… biking…you bike…….at a sport…you play that sport
  • I know a professional athlete making millions and a star on his team…yet he can’t do a pullup…but he doesn’t need to
  • There is no one right way for anything… 20 different ways can get you results…
  • 80/20 rule is so true…..80% of your results come from just 20% of the exercises, 20% of the food in supermarkets, and spending 20% of your time working out.
  • Results are just the simple yet important things done on a consistent basis
  • Losing more than 2lbs a week is probably not all fat
  • Gaining more than 2lbs a week is probably not all muscle
  • All diets fail over the long run….but lifestyle changes last
  • All diets books are saying the same thing in general…they just make a new way to present it
  • Bill Phillips was a marketing genius
  • There is nothing new in health and fitness…..just ideas that resurface that are long forgotten
  • Fads are created to sell more specialized equipment/gear, lifting/throwing something heavy and running fast has been around for 100s of years and still works
  • Want a strong “core”? Lift something heavy over your head and walk around trying to stabilize it…the motivation to not drop it on your head will work wonders
  • There should be a law against selling any dumbbells less than 5lbs….or ones in neon colors
  • If your trainer can not get you to lose weight, fire him/her. You are not paying for his/her company or excuses….go find someone who can deliver or knows how to get results
  • Squatting to parallel will only give you weak hamstrings and lead to more knee issues….you should be able to go down like you were going to pick something off the ground….as that is the reason our bodies were designed to squat
  • The best thing anyone can do for their health/results is to just try new things…see how their body adapts and responds…and learn how to take total control no matter life may throw at them in the future
  • Blogging is more effort than I would ever imagine….but I enjoy sharing what I know
  • If you like what I write…the best thing you can do is help spread the word…so others can start improving their health and fitness too
Original Source:

Weight Loss is About...

"Weight Loss is based on the 80/20 rule-80% results with 20% effort"


Bob Greene's, "The Life You Want"

Oprah's personal trainer, Bob Greene has just came out with his latest release, "The Life You Want: Get Motivated, Lose Weight, and be Happy".   If you've ever struggled with being overweight and couldn't get motivated to lose the weight then this is the book for you.  

One of the most often overlooked parts of weight loss is dealing with the psychological side that often prevents people from reaching successful long term weight loss.  By focusing on the mental and emotional side of weight loss, Greene helps readers take a deeper look at themselves by inspiring his readers to finally take control and overcome the obstacles that often get in the way losing weight.  

With his new book, Greene will help you:



Friday, January 14, 2011

Dispelling Commonly Held Weight Watchers Beliefs...

The best thing that Weight Watchers ever did to raise its profile and appeal to a younger demographic was choosing Jennifer Hudson as a company spokesperson.  I say this because ever since joining Weight Watchers the commonly held belief that many of my friends have held about Weight Watchers is that it is a program for the depressed, frumpy, middle-aged woman.  I'll admit that I used to hold this belief myself until I started researching the program and seeing just how much success many, especially those my age, were having while following it.  

The program really does work and as long as you stick to your weekly allotted points and adopt the behaviors necessary for the program, you will lose weight.  It's been since the end of September that I've been following the program and I have had really great success with it.  Sure like any program, I've had my ups and downs, but one thing is for sure and that is that I've been consistent with weight loss from week to week.

So for those of you who still believe that Weight Watchers is a program for the middle-aged woman, I beg to differ, it's a program for all- different genders, ages, races, ethnicities etc.  It's a program that works for anybody and as long as you stick with it, you will see guaranteed success.


Slow Down Your Eating, It Really Works...

It's been a good couple of days and I've been consciously trying to adopt the principles in Judith Becks, "The Beck Diet Solution".  One such principle I've been working hard at is slowing down my eating with each meal.  If you're anything like me, when I come across good food or food in general, I literally wolf it down.  You'd almost think it was the last supper and I was facing an imminent death. 

In reading the principles provided in Beck's book, I've been learning that because of a time lapse between the food that goes into your stomach and the time it registers to your brain, it literally takes 20 minutes for your brain to register that you're full.  So with that said, what I've been doing is consciously chewing my food much slower and taking the time to savor each bite.  As a result of making this small minor change, I've been feeling much more satiated between meals and have been having a hard time to using up all my daily Weight Watchers points.  Now for someone who loves food and has had a hard time with mindless eating, this is huge.  

Whitney Port Super Skinny

Whitney Port was spotted out on New Years Eve looking more thin then ever...this just isn't a good look for her at all, just isn't healthy.


Jennifer Hudson Video

I hope to feel just as good once I reach my targeted goal weight:

Get Extremely Ripped Bootcamp with Jari Love

I'm so happy to announce the release of Jari Love's, "Get Extremely Ripped Bootcamp" not only because I love Jari Love's Ripped series, but because my girlfriend Cara Fullerton, who many of you know from Global Television is featured in the latest DVD.  

I've been waiting for the release of this DVD for quite some time now and can't wait to get my hands on a copy.  For more information on how to order and purchase the DVD, be sure to visit:

The Beck Diet Solution: Train Your Brain To Think Like A Think Person

I didn't realize just how important it is to prepare yourself for weight loss until I came across a latest read by Judith S. Beck entitled, "The Beck Diet Solution: Train Your Brain To Think Like A Thin Person".

Before I give you a brief synopsis of the book, I should start off by stating that The Beck Diet Solution isn't really a diet as most would think in the traditional sense of the term.  Rather this book offers a breakthrough six-week plan to help you lose weight by changing the way you think about weight loss.  And in changing the way you think about weight loss, it means throwing out every contradicting thought and behaviour you've ever learned  about weight loss, and addressing and preventing the self-sabotaging behaviors that often stand in the way of you achieving permanent and long-lasting success.

By using Cognitive Therapeutic techniques, Beck offers a series of daily exercises to help readers not only change their eating behaviors and thoughts, but prepare themselves for weight loss, by adopting the necessary tools to guide them through-out the weight loss process.  As new tasks are introduced with each day, readers are equipped with the psychological skills to deal with the challenges often associated with weight loss such as emotional eating, hunger and cravings, overeating, self defeating thoughts, and a lack of self-confidence, among others.  

About half-way into the book myself, if you think that you can quickly skim through the book and randomly choose what appeals to you-think again.  This book takes time and patience and requires you to work through each of the exercises provided as they're presented each day.  I understand that this book may not be for everyone, but if you really want to successfully lose weight and keep it off, I agree with Beck in that it all starts with your current state of mind and until you shift your thinking around weight loss, nothing you do will lead to long term permanent success.


Latest Grocery Haul: Kettle Salt and Fresh Ground Pepper Chips

My latest grocery haul is Kettle brands Salt and Fresh Ground Pepper Chips.  I've always loved this brand but tried quite hard to avoid it due to the high calorie content with the chips.  Well because Kettle has recently introduced a lower calorie version with 65% less fat, I'm hooked on my favorite chips once again and for those of you following Weight Watchers the point count is only 4 points for 35 chips.

Weight Watchers Success Story

This goes to show that WW really does work and stories like these just inspire me to keep going, knowing fully well that I can do it!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

For the Love of Zumba!

So I have been on a mission as of late to find a Zumba class to take in my home-town; not just any Zumba class, but a class where the instructor knows what she's doing but exhibits the passion and love for what she does.  The quest started after attending a Zumba class at my local gym some time last week.  

Oh let me tell you about last week.  So it was a Wednesday evening, the start of getting back on plan with my work-outs, when I decided to give my local gym's Zumba class a try...can you say disappointment! Yes it was a disappointment! For one the instructor didn't know what she was doing; obviously had no previous dance training; and had no passion for whatsoever for the dance itself. 

I was tempted a few times to walk out of the class, and let me tell you- some did, but I figured what the hell, might as well get the work-out in and call it a day.  Now after my experience and wanting to get back into doing Zumba again, I decided that I was going to explore various Zumba offerings in my city when I came across a video link for a well-known local dance instructor by the name of Maria Jose Romero.   My girlfriend told me about Maria in the past, but I didn't know just how good she was until I saw her video's.  So...I believe it's fate (smiles) quest is over and I am now on a mission to track down where Maria teaches her sessions so I can start attending her classes.  

Now for those of you who don't believe just how good Maria is, check out her video: