Sunday, April 18, 2010

What's My Motivation?

What motivates me to dedicate myself to eating healthy and exercising on a regular basis?  Women like Ernestine Sheppard, 71, who are past 40 who are in the best shape of their lives. 

I have a running joke with a friend of mine that things seem to be shifting in this world.  Where you expect 20 and 30 year olds to be in the best shape of their lives, you actually see quite the opposite.  Women who are over 40 are looking better than 20 and 30 year olds of our time and seem to look much better than they ever can remember.  I guess it's true when they say that "40 is the new 30".

The above mentioned scenario serves as a constant reminder that there is no excuse when it comes to health, especially at my age.  If women past 40 and much older, can bust their asses off daily to stay in shape, then so can I.  It can be challenging at times to find the dedication needed to stay healthy, but I keep on reminding myself that health is one of the best gifts I can give myself, along with my daughter, hubby, family and friends.  

For a little inspiration check out this article I came across featuring Ernestine Sheppard, female bodybuilder:

Complete Story

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