Saturday, April 10, 2010

Nutrition Tip: Keep the Junk Food Out of the House

One habit that I've gotten into since starting on my path towards health is not keeping junk food in the house.  Meaning that when hubby and I go for weekly grocery runs, the junk stays put in the grocery aisles and hardly ever follows us home.

Since I've been trying really hard to lose weight and stay healthy, this habit has served me well as I haven't been as tempted to indulge in mouth-watering goodies and have found it easier to stick to my goals.  Don't get me wrong, I still have my days where I crave junk and would do anything for that chocolate bar (those damn Fruit and Nut Dairy Milk bars), but not having it in the house makes it easier to think through my cravings and occupy my mind with something else.

If you're really serious about losing weight or getting healthy, do yourself a favor and keep the junk food at me, you'll thank yourself later for it!

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