Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Living My Life Like It's Golden

I promised myself heading into 2010 that I would completely clean up my diet, lose the excess weight and live as healthy a lifestyle as possible.  I'm doing just that and using Jill Scott's, "Golden" as my inspiration in reaching my goals.  There's something about this song that makes you feel powerful, invincible and as if you can accomplish anything you set your mind to.  

The last time I used this song to accomplish a goal was when I was enrolled in my Master's program back in 2004/2005.  Believe it or not, I listened to "Golden" every day until I finished my program and I believe that because of this song, I was not only able to accomplish my goals but excel in ways I had never imagined.

I plan from now until the end of the year to use this very same song as my inspiration and you better believe that I will come out on top!

Happy Listening!


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