Wednesday, April 14, 2010

The Dreaded Bathroom Scale

So I've been having a dilemma as of late and that dilemma is whether or not continue using the bathroom scale to measure my progress with weight loss.  To be honest, I haven't weighed myself in two weeks and am not sure whether or not continue weighing myself in the future.  

Part of my problem comes from the fact that I'm a perfectionist by nature and tend to obsess over things not being in order, especially when it comes to weight.

 I absolutely HATE the feeling of thinking that I'm doing well with my eating and exercise, only to jump onto the scale and have a number staring back at me that I totally didn't expect.  

I think that I may need to pack away the scale for a while and save myself the turmoil I go through whenever the numbers don't read in my favor.  Who know's, I may pull out the scale in the future, curious to see my progress, but for now the scale's gotta go!

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