Monday, March 28, 2011

Cynthia & Amy's 12 Week Challenge: Monday Weigh-In Wk #8

Week #8 Update:

It's been a challenging week, to say the least.  I lost .4 pounds which I'm surprised at considering the week from hell I had following the program.  Let's face it, I'm not feeling motivated right and am finding myself falling back into old habits; particularly not wanting to plan my meals out for the day, journal, or eat clean.  I guess I'm a living testament to how challenging it can be to lose weight and make this a lifestyle change and let's not forget-how easy it can be to slip back into old, unhealthy patterns.

I need to get it together and get back on track with the program.  Besides I've come way too far with the program to give up now!  I know I can do this, just have to keep on telling myself that!  

Well this week has been a disappointment. Down .2 only! What?! I was sticking with program and I even made it to the gym 3 times this week. I think that I've figured it out - I'm getting a bit lazy. Although I made it to the gym I often didn't go for more than 30 or 45 minutes. Time to step it up - my body can handle more! Only a few more weeks left....I need to stay on track and not let one blip undo all the success that I've had. Stay tuned...

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