Sunday, March 20, 2011

The Power of Visuals

I know some of you don't do so well with visuals of raw meat, but the above captured picture is really a visual to help put into perspective just how much of a difference a loss in weight can make to your overall frame.  

It was a woman on a discussion board I frequent quite regularly who compared the loss in weight to that of ground beef.  The woman stated that if one follows a prolonged weight loss plan for some time, and lost the standard 1-2 pound loss each week, that would be visually equivalent to that of a 1 pound package of ground beef.  It's an interesting and odd visual, but one that really puts into perspective how much fat is melting off my body from week to week.  Not only that, this visual is a powerful motivator to keep me focused and determined to continue on my path. 

So the next time you get a little discouraged with your weight loss efforts, or perhaps you're not impressed with the losses you're seeing on the scale, just know that per every pound of fat lost, that's equivalent to a pound if not more of ground beef lost on your frame.

Happy Sunday!

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