Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Cynthia & Amy's 12 Week Challenge: Monday Weigh-In Wk #4

Can you believe that Amy and I are already in week #4 of our challenge?   Time certainly flies doesn't it?  Well here's how we did:  

Last week was an awesome week and I ended up losing 1.1 pounds in total, which is not bad if you ask me. I stuck diligently to the program and managed to stay within my points. I must admit though that it still baffles me that I can actually enjoy food, I mean really enjoy food and lose weight while following WW.  Granted, as long as I stick within my daily and weekly alloted points, I'm free to pretty much eat whatever want (well in moderation of course)-now how good is that?

I can't believe how far Amy and I have come in our journey and I'm so glad we've been able to support each other in reaching our goals.  Love you Amy!

I feel back on track. Having friends who 'get' the whole weight loss journey make all the difference! I am down 1.4 and more focused then ever. The renewed energy got me to zumba and one of the participants in class grabbed my at the end and commented that I had been smiling like crazy the entire class! Latin hip-hop...bring it on! I also got 2 other workouts in so it is all good. I even tried 2 new ww recipes-brownies and chicken tacos. Eating well AND having fun-who knew?

Bring it on week 5!

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