Monday, March 14, 2011

Cynthia & Amy's 12 Week Challenge: Monday Weigh-In Wk #6

Week #6 Update:

Last week wasn't the greatest as I ended up getting sick with the flu :(
Despite being sick; however, weight loss certainly worked in my favor with a total loss of 0.6 lbs.  I usually would be bummed out by such a minimal loss in weight, but I figured that with being sick and missing a full week of the gym a minimal loss is better than no loss at all.  

Definitely looking forward to getting back in the gym, and bumping up the workouts in hope of a better loss come Saturday.  I also plan on trying my hand at a few new recipes to mix things up a bit.

Cheers to a better week!


"It was a good week. Why? I worked out 3 times PLUS I had an intense Zumba class on Friday! I am starting to feel pretty strong and that helps me keep focused. Tried two new recipes and loved them both. I am slowly getting over the fear of eating (you know what I mean) so I was actually able to enjoy a pot luck dinner consisting of ribs, samosa, cheesecake and beer! An eclectic but delicious evening. So after all of that, I lost 1.8 pounds. Loving it!!!!! 

Next week is all about staying motivated. I already have 2 new recipes picked out and I am going to add another workout class to my weekly movement....the treadmill and bike are getting somewhat boring. I need to shake it up!"

Week #6 Re-cap

So it's the mid-way point of our challenge and here's where Amy and I are sitting at in terms of total weight loss to date:

Cynthia: 5.9 lbs

Amy:  10 lbs

6 more weeks left of our challenge; will we both be able to hit our goal weight at the end of our journey?  Continue following us to find out.

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