Sunday, March 20, 2011

Cynthia & Amy's 12 Week Challenge: Monday Weigh-In Wk #7

Week #7 Update:

Still gleaming from weigh-in this past Saturday with my 2 lb weight loss!  Considering how weight loss has gone the past few weeks, totally didn't see that one coming at all.  

Last week was my first official week back in the gym after being sick with the flu the week prior and let me tell you it was hard!  Didn't think a whole week off would affect me as much as it did, but it did.  I honestly felt like a novice beginning for the first time, but I hung in there and completed my workouts for the week.  

Goals for this week-get more greens in my diet and start being more consistent with taking my supplements (didn't realize how much I hate popping pills).  

I'm a pound down-but that isn't the big news.  Yes, I made to the gym 3 times and I took in Zumba class-all good.  There are no earth shattering goals for this coming week.  Eye on the prize.

Half-way point celebration:
So Amy and I decided to celebrate our 6th week mark with a little celebration this past week.  We ended up going to one of my favorite Sushi spots in town (Kinjo Sushi in Calgary-best sushi in town) and had an amazing time...maybe not so amazing for Amy since she was serenaded with a few songs by restaurant staff being that it was her first time visiting the restaurant-something they do on a regular basis for first time visitors.  But hey I had a blast, even if it was at the expense of Amy (lol).  Either way, here are a couple of pictures from our half-way point celebration:

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