Monday, March 28, 2011

Cynthia & Amy's 12 Week Challenge: Monday Weigh-In Wk #8

Week #8 Update:

It's been a challenging week, to say the least.  I lost .4 pounds which I'm surprised at considering the week from hell I had following the program.  Let's face it, I'm not feeling motivated right and am finding myself falling back into old habits; particularly not wanting to plan my meals out for the day, journal, or eat clean.  I guess I'm a living testament to how challenging it can be to lose weight and make this a lifestyle change and let's not forget-how easy it can be to slip back into old, unhealthy patterns.

I need to get it together and get back on track with the program.  Besides I've come way too far with the program to give up now!  I know I can do this, just have to keep on telling myself that!  

Well this week has been a disappointment. Down .2 only! What?! I was sticking with program and I even made it to the gym 3 times this week. I think that I've figured it out - I'm getting a bit lazy. Although I made it to the gym I often didn't go for more than 30 or 45 minutes. Time to step it up - my body can handle more! Only a few more weeks left....I need to stay on track and not let one blip undo all the success that I've had. Stay tuned...

There Are Two Primary Choices...

"There are two primary choices in life; to accept conditions as they exist, or accept the responsibility for changing them." 

-Denis Waitley

My Pretty Journal

Hubby has been getting on my case for quite some time now with the amount of journals I've collected over the years.  Yes I do have hoarding tendencies (with certain things), but what can I say, I have a thing for pretty journals.  Besides, buying the best of the best when it comes to journals motivates me to want to open up my journal each time I track my meals for the day and actually track.  It's not easy as it is holding yourself accountable to tracking when trying to lose weight, but for me, what makes this process even easier is tracking with a pretty journal.

Happy Journaling!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Cynthia & Amy's 12 Week Challenge: Monday Weigh-In Wk #7

Week #7 Update:

Still gleaming from weigh-in this past Saturday with my 2 lb weight loss!  Considering how weight loss has gone the past few weeks, totally didn't see that one coming at all.  

Last week was my first official week back in the gym after being sick with the flu the week prior and let me tell you it was hard!  Didn't think a whole week off would affect me as much as it did, but it did.  I honestly felt like a novice beginning for the first time, but I hung in there and completed my workouts for the week.  

Goals for this week-get more greens in my diet and start being more consistent with taking my supplements (didn't realize how much I hate popping pills).  

I'm a pound down-but that isn't the big news.  Yes, I made to the gym 3 times and I took in Zumba class-all good.  There are no earth shattering goals for this coming week.  Eye on the prize.

Half-way point celebration:
So Amy and I decided to celebrate our 6th week mark with a little celebration this past week.  We ended up going to one of my favorite Sushi spots in town (Kinjo Sushi in Calgary-best sushi in town) and had an amazing time...maybe not so amazing for Amy since she was serenaded with a few songs by restaurant staff being that it was her first time visiting the restaurant-something they do on a regular basis for first time visitors.  But hey I had a blast, even if it was at the expense of Amy (lol).  Either way, here are a couple of pictures from our half-way point celebration:

The Power of Visuals

I know some of you don't do so well with visuals of raw meat, but the above captured picture is really a visual to help put into perspective just how much of a difference a loss in weight can make to your overall frame.  

It was a woman on a discussion board I frequent quite regularly who compared the loss in weight to that of ground beef.  The woman stated that if one follows a prolonged weight loss plan for some time, and lost the standard 1-2 pound loss each week, that would be visually equivalent to that of a 1 pound package of ground beef.  It's an interesting and odd visual, but one that really puts into perspective how much fat is melting off my body from week to week.  Not only that, this visual is a powerful motivator to keep me focused and determined to continue on my path. 

So the next time you get a little discouraged with your weight loss efforts, or perhaps you're not impressed with the losses you're seeing on the scale, just know that per every pound of fat lost, that's equivalent to a pound if not more of ground beef lost on your frame.

Happy Sunday!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Jamaican Patty Dilemma...

Who doesn't love a Jamaican patty from time to time?  I know I do, but after finding out how many calories and grams of fat are loaded in those babies, I think I may have  to reconsider them altogether.  Thank-God for nutrition labels!  Can you believe that 1 large patty contains almost 700 calories and 36 grams of fat???  For those of you following weight watchers that's approximately anywhere from 17-20 points in total...for one patty.  That's about 85% of one's caloric intake...yikes!!!

Thank-God that the package for the Jamaican patties at an event I was at this afternoon was laying around and I was able to check the nutrition facts label. Eating one and not having the nutrition label to go by, definitely would have spelled disaster to my diet.

As much as a girl has always loved the odd occasional patty, after today...not so much.   

Brazillian Butt Workout???

I have to seriously laugh when I come across some of the late night infomercials advertising the latest and trendiest workouts.  I almost died when I saw the advertisement for the "Brazillian Butt Workout" seriously, I did.  Don't know if it's the cheesy fitness girls, or the video's sexy creator Leandro Carvahlo (totally being sarcastic here), but this is one video that I have to totally PASS on...moving on... 

Friday, March 18, 2011

Jennifer Hudson on 20/20

Don't miss Jennifer Hudson's interview on ABC's 20/20 tonight.  


Life Isn't About...

Healthy Girls Rock!

Miss Raven Working it!

Miss Raven Symone spotted at the 2011 ABC Upfront Presentation at Beauty & Essex in New York City. You work it out girl! 

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Rihanna's take on Body Image: Vogue Photo Shoot

Inspiration of the Day: Fran Dennis

A definite inspiration of me is Fran Dennis, who after six kids has some how managed to find the time, drive, and determination to stay in shape.  I know it's difficult finding the time with just one child, and couldn't imagine how I would do it with six.  So kudos to Fran!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Release of The Eat Clean Diet Stripped

I did a post a while ago on Tosca's Reno's, "Eat Clean Diet Stripped" and thought I'd do a repost to remind all you Eat Clean followers that Tosca's latest will be released at all Chapters/Indigo locations come tomorrow.  I know I will definitely be grabbing a copy for myself to learn the latest tips and tricks on clean eating and getting rid of those last few stubborn pounds.  

Can't wait!!!


Monday, March 14, 2011

Kim Kardashian Body in 3 Months...

We can dream right???

Healthy Girls Rock!

Cynthia & Amy's 12 Week Challenge: Monday Weigh-In Wk #6

Week #6 Update:

Last week wasn't the greatest as I ended up getting sick with the flu :(
Despite being sick; however, weight loss certainly worked in my favor with a total loss of 0.6 lbs.  I usually would be bummed out by such a minimal loss in weight, but I figured that with being sick and missing a full week of the gym a minimal loss is better than no loss at all.  

Definitely looking forward to getting back in the gym, and bumping up the workouts in hope of a better loss come Saturday.  I also plan on trying my hand at a few new recipes to mix things up a bit.

Cheers to a better week!


"It was a good week. Why? I worked out 3 times PLUS I had an intense Zumba class on Friday! I am starting to feel pretty strong and that helps me keep focused. Tried two new recipes and loved them both. I am slowly getting over the fear of eating (you know what I mean) so I was actually able to enjoy a pot luck dinner consisting of ribs, samosa, cheesecake and beer! An eclectic but delicious evening. So after all of that, I lost 1.8 pounds. Loving it!!!!! 

Next week is all about staying motivated. I already have 2 new recipes picked out and I am going to add another workout class to my weekly movement....the treadmill and bike are getting somewhat boring. I need to shake it up!"

Week #6 Re-cap

So it's the mid-way point of our challenge and here's where Amy and I are sitting at in terms of total weight loss to date:

Cynthia: 5.9 lbs

Amy:  10 lbs

6 more weeks left of our challenge; will we both be able to hit our goal weight at the end of our journey?  Continue following us to find out.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Monique Gets Her Workout On and Gives Advice on Healthy Eating!

Jennifer Hudson Essence Feature

For all of those Essence followers, don't want to miss April's feature with Jennifer Hudson.  JHud will be talking about everything from work, to family, and how she lost 80 pounds.


Wednesday, March 9, 2011

HCG Diet Controversy

I have been hearing lots about the controversial HCG weight loss diet, so I did a bit of digging around to find out the latest scoop on this diet.  For those of you who aren't familiar with the diet, HCG stands for Human Chorionic Gonadotropin, a hormone naturally produced by the placenta in pregnant women and one that almost completely controls the metabolic function through the hypothalamus throughout the pregnancy.  Apparently, HCG has not only been linked to supporting a woman through her pregnancy, but has been linked to playing a role in helping a woman control and manage her weight as well. 

So how does the HCG Diet work?  In order to gain the full benefits of this program, dieters are required to have HCG injections in order to promote the mobilization of fat out of the fat storage locations so that it's available for use.  I should note that it's not only the shots alone that cause weight loss.  While following the program, dieters are only allowed to consume 500 calories, so that their hypothalamus continually works to support the release of fat stored in the body.  As a result of the HCG injections, coupled by the consumption of limited calories, dieters can expect to lose 1 to 2 pounds, while on the diet.

Now I don't know about you, but common sense, not to mention the amount of reading I've done over the years on every diet you can imagine, tells me that, any short term fix as far as weight loss is concerned (shots, pills, limited consumption of calories) spells danger!  I know this diet has been getting rave reviews on many diet forums and boards, but before you consider putting yourself through such extreme measures all in the name of weight loss, I advise you to do your homework and know exactly what your getting yourself into.  

For more on this controversial diet, take a look at the recent episode Dr. Oz had done on the HCG diet.  

Weight-Loss Controversy: HCG Diet, Pt 1.

Weight-Loss Controversy: HCG Diet, Pt 2.

Weight-Loss Controversy: HCG Diet, Pt 3.

Weight-Loss Controversy: HCG Diet, Pt 4.

Weight-Loss Controversy: HCG Diet, Pt 5.


A Journey of a...

A journey of a thousand miles begins with one small step.


Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Cynthia & Amy's 12 Week Challenge: Monday Weigh-In Wk #5

 Here's an update on week #5 of Cynthia and Amy's challenge:  

Even though I was banking on a really a big loss this week, I'm down 1.4.  I'm not bummed one bit as weight loss had been progressing at a nice, steady, and consistent rate over the last few weeks.  Got all my workouts in and am still doing quite well with the Couch to 5k running program.  

I did end up switching things around as far as the start of a new week for the plan.  Rather than starting anew on a Monday, a new week for me starts on the day of my Weigh-ins, which is a Saturday.  That way I can count the weekend as a time to use to use up my weeklies and indulge in my favorite treats.  This seems to work quite well, since weekends are the most difficult for me to stick to the plan, especially with all the social outings and events  the family and I find ourselves going to each weekend.  So now, I can use up my weeklies during the weekend, and stick to the plan as closely as possible during the rest of the week.

Well, I'm down .6.  I'd be lying if I said that I wasn't disappointed.  I worked out 3 times but I was "picking" all week.  I've figured out why.  I am grazing through the day.  I need to boost my snacks with more protein and eat substantial lunches and dinners.  Then I will be more satisfied and I will stop grabbing 1 point treats that don't really satisfy.  As my leaders says, "If you kinda stick to the program it will kinda work".  Here's to a better week!

We're almost at the half-way mark, stay tuned for week 6.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Canadian Running Magazine

My BFF just hit me up not to long ago to alert me to the latest issue of Canadian Running Magazine with its weight loss special.  God bless her heart-she knows I've been at this weight loss thing for a while, and since I started incorporating running into my workouts, she thought the latest issue would provide a little more motivation towards helping me reach my goals.  Heading out pretty soon to run some errands and looking forward to getting a copy of the latest Canadian Running issue.  


Joe Fresh Active Wear

One of my favorite clothing lines for active wear is Joe Fresh.  I've always loved this line for the fact that their clothing not only has some of the most comfortable wear ever, but has been the most affordable compared to other popular lines for active wear.  I know people often question quality with price points, but having compared the quality of Joe's clothing to that of other lines, especially that of one popular Canadian line (won't mention names here), Joe has held up quite well in terms of quality and when I look at some of the pieces I've had kicking around since Joe was first launched, they've held up quite well.

So if you're looking for something quite comfortable and affordable for active wear, I highly recommend Joe Fresh!


Saturday, March 5, 2011

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Almost at the Half-way Mark...

"Believe you can and you're half-way there"

I was going through my journal this evening when it had occurred to me that since starting Weight Watchers at the end of December 2010, I am officially 17 pounds down in a little over 8 weeks and almost at the halfway mark of reaching my goal.  Can you believe that???  Here I've been trucking along with my weight loss efforts and not even realizing nor taking the time to reflect on how far I have actually come in reaching my goal.  I don't know about you, but knowing that I'm almost at the half-way mark, is major motivation to stay on course, and continue on with my journey until I reach my goal- which is to lose some pounds and live my healthiest life ever!  It's certainly a sweet moment indeed and I have never felt so good as a result!  

Just thought I'd share...

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Cynthia & Amy's 12 Week Challenge: Monday Weigh-In Wk #4

Can you believe that Amy and I are already in week #4 of our challenge?   Time certainly flies doesn't it?  Well here's how we did:  

Last week was an awesome week and I ended up losing 1.1 pounds in total, which is not bad if you ask me. I stuck diligently to the program and managed to stay within my points. I must admit though that it still baffles me that I can actually enjoy food, I mean really enjoy food and lose weight while following WW.  Granted, as long as I stick within my daily and weekly alloted points, I'm free to pretty much eat whatever want (well in moderation of course)-now how good is that?

I can't believe how far Amy and I have come in our journey and I'm so glad we've been able to support each other in reaching our goals.  Love you Amy!

I feel back on track. Having friends who 'get' the whole weight loss journey make all the difference! I am down 1.4 and more focused then ever. The renewed energy got me to zumba and one of the participants in class grabbed my at the end and commented that I had been smiling like crazy the entire class! Latin hip-hop...bring it on! I also got 2 other workouts in so it is all good. I even tried 2 new ww recipes-brownies and chicken tacos. Eating well AND having fun-who knew?

Bring it on week 5!