Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Weight Loss Success Story: Angela Naphan

Well everyone here's my story:

I'm a 31 year old mother of 2 from Ontario Canada. I joined Weight Watchers Feb 2010 after my yearly girlie checkup at my doctors. During that appointment my doctor (who I might add is a very good looking man) had me step on the scale and my heart sank when he had to keep ticking the weights farther and farther over. At the end of my appointment he said to me "What are we going to do about your weight?". 30 years old and 252lbs wasn't something I ever thought I'd see...I was so ashamed and embarrassed. That afternoon I borrowed my Mom's materials and started following the Weight Watchers Points program. The following Thursday I joined at 246lbs! I've always been the heavy girl...all through school I played volleyball and basketball...but I always needed the biggest jersey. Prom dresses were always the biggest size offered (normally a 16). I was always a popular girl having friends in all the cliques or groups ...the Music and Band, Students Council, Sports, and even the Smoking section back then...but I was always SOOOO self conscious of the way I looked...I knew I was heavier than most of the girls (and boys for that matter)...but I had no idea what to do about it!! My first week I knew this was what I had been looking for...the results were awesome! Every half pound had me excited to see what the next week would bring..and yes I had weeks I was up (Christmas...Egg Nog is not good for weight loss, lol...even the "light" stuff...thank god it's only out once a year :P ) and a few where I stayed the same (switch up what you're eating...don't get stuck having the same "simple" meals)...but I knew I had come further than I had ever expected so why give up so easily...I stuck with it! I've only missed a handful of meetings...mostly this summer because we're at our cottage all the time...they are sooooo important. I built a rapport with my leader, the receptionists, and the other members during the Thursday night meetings...I felt like I couldn't let them down either! I'm now known as the 100lbs girl, lol! I hit lifetime June 2011 and can't wait to keep motivating and helping others to stick with it also!! It's achievable...if I can do it...anyone can!! 

Thank you EVERYONE!!

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