Friday, August 12, 2011

Vitamin Overload

Do you know just how many Vitamins you should be taking on any given day? It's a very good question and one that I've been trying to find the answer to for quite some time now.  For years I've been loading myself with all sorts of vitamins thinking that I was filling my body with what it needs, and it's gotten to the point where, quite frankly, I've grown quite tired of it.  Then again, I think this is my body's subtle way of telling me that I don't need to be taking as much as I take on a given day.  

I've been very fortunate to sit on on many weight loss sessions over the last year or so, and the answer to my one dilemma lies in the foods we eat.  According to Tosca Reno in the, "Eat Clean Diet Recharged", if one is following good healthy guidelines and eating the standard recommendation in fruits, vegetables, protein, grains and fat, then they shouldn't need anything else beyond what they're already taking in.  Seems like pretty good advice to me, don't you think?  

So I've decided from henceforth that I'm going to cut back on the amount of vitamins and supplements I'm taking in.  I may stick to a good Multivitamin and fish oil supplement and rely mainly on my food to give me the boost I need as far as additional supplementation.


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