Sunday, August 7, 2011

Make It A Lifestyle

I was chatting with a friend recently who's preparing to embark on her own weight loss journey and was a little taken aback during our conversation when she had made a comment about holding off on getting serious with dieting until possibly after the next few weeks.  She stated that with so many events coming up: stags, weddings, and other functions, she figured she might as well let these things pass, that way she'd be a a better position to get serious with weight loss when the time came. I then proceeded to ask her, why wait, when she could get started now?  What did these upcoming events have to do with her embarking on her weight loss journey at this very moment?  She retorted by saying that she wanted to start off on a clean slate with weight loss by cutting out the junk and eating completely clean when she was ready to begin her program.  Meaning that she wanted to completely cut out the junk and start off fresh by eating 100% clean.  In response, I added that in finding the right plan, she really shouldn't have to hold off on dieting or getting serious with weight loss when she could make it a lifestyle change or lifestyle priority NOW.  I further stated that there will always be events that take priority in our lives-the birthday parties, the weddings, the stags, family functions, you name it.  The best thing to do is to find some way to incorporate these things as a part of your everyday lifestyle.

On the current program that I'm on with Weight Watchers, I never cut out anything, NEVER!  Yes, I make more conscious decisions around the type of foods I eat and take into consideration portion sizes, but if I'm at an event or function I always find a way to work whatever I feel like indulging in into my diet so that I don't feel deprived.  I mean, who wants to live a life based on deprivation when you can find alternative ways of still enjoying your food?  I don't and I wouldn't recommend it for those of you currently following a weight loss program as doing so eventually and always leads to disaster-trust me I know!  

So my advice to all those dieters out there is to center your plans around your lifestyle.  Yes it's important to be a little mindful about what you're eating, but it's also important to find ways to still incorporate the foods you love into your diet without sabotaging your waist line.  So for once, live a little and make your diet a part of your lifestyle.

I know my friend might be reading this and if so just know that I'm only looking after your best interest and doing my part to support you on your journey.  I want more than anything to see you succeed and hope that you will find a plan that not only supports your journey, but your lifestyle as well.


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