Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Drink to That

I don't know what it is about Rihanna's new single, " Cheers Drink to That" but I literally have this song on heavy rotation, especially while doing my cardio work-outs at the gym...there's very few songs that inspire me in life and this song certainly inspires me to get my sh*& done at the gym...

Let's drink to that (smiles)

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Personalized Blueberry Crumble

Today is definitely one of the unconventional days where I decided to have desert for dinner, and what did I decide on for my meal of choice:  Blueberry Crumble.  I know a few of you have been asking for recipes for quite some time now, so here you go-enjoy!  

  • 1 cup of blueberries

  • 1 Tbsp of Wholewheat Flour

  • 1 tsp of Cornstarch

  • Cinnamon )1/2 tsp

  • 1Tbsp of Brown Sugar

  • 1Tbsp of Pecans

  • 1tsp of Shredded Coconut

  • 1/4 cup of rolled oats

  • 1/2 lemon

  • 2 tsp of butter or margarine

  1. Preheat oven to 400 Degrees F.  

  2. In a medium size bowl, combine oats, nuts, cinnamon, and coconut, butter, then use hands and blend ingredients until crumbly.

  3. In another bowl, combine berries with sugar, cornstarch and lemon juice.

  4. Transfer bowl with oats, nuts, cinnamon, and coconut and place on top of berry mixture.  Place in oven and bake the crumble until the top is browned and the filling is bubbling-approximately 20-30 minutes.  

  5. Let stand for at least 10 minutes before serving.

  6. Serve with whipped cream or ice cream.

Point value with low fat ice cream: 7.16 points (on the Momentum Program).

Saturday, August 27, 2011

New Report: Half Americans Obese by 2030

I was watching BBC a couple of days ago when I came across a report on the soaring obesity rates in North America.  According to new research published in the medical journal Lancet, half of all Americans will be obese by 2030 if obesity rates continue to rise in North America. Currently, 32 percent of men and 35 percent of women in America are obese, or put another way, have a Body Mass Index of 30 or more.
What's even more alarming is that studies suggest that these rates could trigger 7.8 million cases of diabetes, 6.8 million cases of stroke and heart disease, 539,000 cases of cancer, and tack on $66 billion a year to health care costs.
According to reports, American's aren't the only one's facing a rise in obesity rates.  We are also seeing a rise of Obesity among are friends over in the UK.  If trends continue, 41 to 48 percent of men in the UK and 35 to 43 percent of women will be obese by 2030. Currently, 26 percent of the UK’s population is obese.
Reports recognize that more needs to be done among the government and health sectors to combat the rising trends we're seeing with Obesity levels in this part of the world.  As it stands, governments seem to be hands off on the whole issue, but if measures are not taken, we will begin to see a real burden on both with the health and government sectors. If you think our health care system is the worst it's ever been in our time, wait and see what happens 10, 20 even 30 years from now.  
As a tax payer, I certainly don't want to take on the financial burden of paying the costs of the many of the health related issues that we are now starting to see in this part of the world.  This is a serious matter, and I believe more needs to be done on our parts to lobby our governments to take more preventative health measures when it comes to the health of its nations.  

Don't sleep on this issue and more importantly don't become a statistic years down the road!  Do what you can now to take your health and those of your loved ones seriously!  And if you can join in the fight in holding our governments and health systems more accountable when it comes being more proactive when it comes to our health.  

Article source:;


Healthy Girls Rock!

Friday, August 26, 2011

What the???

I was searching for work-out video's online when I came across the following work-out for the Wii...can someone please explain to me what the hell this is (lol):

Jillian Micheals: Killer Buns & Thighs

I'm so excited to announce that Jillian Micheals will be releasing a new video entitled, "Killer Buns & Thighs" on September 6, 2011.  

If any of you have tried Jillian's previous videos, you know they're killer, but they produce results!  

Definitely have my eyes on this one!  

Here's a preview of the new video:


Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Jordin Sparks Spotting!

A much leaner, much fitter Jordin Sparks spotted recently on Hollywood Boulevard looking fabulous!  


Tamanu Oil: God's Blessing to My Skin!!!

Nothing brings me pure joy than exploring and discovering natural health remedies for one's skin, and one  remedy that I've recently discovered is Tamanu Oil, otherwise known as Nut Oil.  I've recently switched my nigh-time routine, and have replaced the previous oil I was using with Tamanu Oil and am just amazed at what this stuff has done for my skin.  For those of you who are familiar with the product, when you hear references to this oil being referred to as "God's Blessings" to one's skin, that's just what it is, a blessing indeed in a little bottle.     

In case you're wondering where the oil comes from, Tamanu Nut Oil is indigenous to tropical Southeast Asia, and can be found in Thailand, Vietnam, Myanmar, Malaysia, South India, Sri Lanka, and the Melanesian and Polynesian Islands. In ancient times, Tamanu Nut Oil was used by locals as a healing rub for the skin.  It was used to treat such things as sores, inflammation, cuts and scars, and even varicose veins. 

Today, many are exploring its health benefits of Tamanu Oil once again and it's doing wonders for those suffering from severe skin conditions from Acne skin, to skin ulcers right down to Eczema.    

The best thing about this oil is that it's 100% natural and doesn't include all the other crap that most most beauty products sold on the market contain as a part of their ingredients.  

You can find and purchase Tamanu Oil at any natural health food store, which is where I found mine.  It's pretty expensive-$20.00/bottle or so, but cost is no factor when it comes to what this oil will do for your skin.  I've been using this oil for a little over 5 weeks, and the break-outs I've been battling for some months now have diminished and the scar tissue left behind has started to fade.  My skin looks and feels amazing and is definitely more radiant than I've seen it in a long time.

I highly, highly, highly recommend adding this oil to one's facial routine and trust me, you will thank-me when you discover all of its benefits in the long-run!   

Article source:

Monday, August 22, 2011

Weight Loss Success Story: Valerie Frost

After high school ended I slowly started putting on weight. I began drinking much more frequently, not thinking about how many empty calories I was consuming. After getting a car at twenty, I stopped having to walk around which really decreased my activity level. I stayed around 180 (which was a 30 lb weight gain from high school) for a good two years. After I moved in with my boyfriend things really got out of control, my drinking had slowed a lot, but I started eating more to deal with the stress of starting college. Not to mention I worked at a restaurant where each sandwich had about 800+ calories. I was eating one of these about 5 days a week. NOT GOOD!! After weighing myself and seeing the shocking number of 215 pounds I knew something had to change. For Christmas my boyfriend and his dad bought me a one year membership to 24 Hour Fitness. I made the decision to either become vegan again (which I had great weight loss results with before) or give Weight Watchers a try. I decided to go with WW because I felt it was more achievable. The first couple of weeks were pretty tough, I am such a perfectionist so when I went over points I was really hard on myself. I read a lot of advice online and one of the things that really stood out to me was that this really is a lifestyle change and that it will NOT happen overnight. If I messed up on my calories/points for the day I should just start fresh the next day, and so on and so forth. This is why all previous attempts had failed me-I was being too hard on myself. I still have rough days and I’m sure I always will, but the most important thing is to just keep starting over the next day. Eventually you will start having a couple good weeks in a row, instead of just two 
days in row. I can now say that after almost nine months I am four pounds away from my goal weight of 150 lbs. I completely credit my success with good old fashioned working out and Weight Watchers; I now eat whatever I want in moderation and still lose weight.

1. Cut out mayonnaise. It is so incredibly high in calories and fat it just isn’t worth it! (If you really can’t cut it out though I recommend atleast getting a non fat version).
2. Don’t eat so much red meat. For example, I eat a sloppy joe sandwich that is only 3 points with the Morning Star “meat”. I’m sure with real hamburger it would be atleast twice that.
3. Cut out soda! If you must, have a diet soda, but even those are really not great on your body and cause bloating. 
4. Drink LOTS of water-you are really supposed to drink ½ your body weight in fluid ounces every day.
5. Have baby spinach for a salad instead of iceburg/romaine-its much healthier & you can’t even tell a difference when you add dressing.
6. It’s really all about making small changes, like getting a light ranch instead of full flavor (you can’t even tell the difference with Hidden Valley light ranch).
7. Lastly, don’t be hard on yourself if you go over your calories/points for the day-it will take time to get used to this new lifestyle.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Make The Switch: From Deep Frying to Broiling

My mother in-law has been staying with us over the last couple of weeks and even though it's been great coming home from work to home cooked meals, it has come at a particular cost and that is a style of cooking that I'm not particularly fond of.  Now even though my mother-in law is pretty conscious about what she eats, she's still quite traditional in how she prepares her dishes and hasn't quite made the connection on some of the dangers associated with her style of cooking.  

One thing about West African cooking is that although it has the potential to be healthy, some of the methods and practices used when cooking aren't all that healthy from a traditional stand-point.  Take the ever so popular West African red stew.  It's pretty healthy when you consider everything that's used to prepare the stew from your onions, to your red-peppers, hot chilli peppers, tomatoes and meats.  However when you factor in the process of cooking-   sauteing your onions and preparing your meats- it involves use of a lot of oil especially for deep-frying.   

My husband and I made the switch years back on how we prepare popular West African dishes by minimizing and completely eliminating the process of deep-frying as a way to prepare our food, especially with our meats.  Now when we make popular stews and soups, we are more conscious about how we prepare our meals and how much oil we're using in the process.  For example, when preparing our meats we broil our meat in the oven rather than fry it. And when it comes to the use of oil to prepare these dishes particularly when sauteing vegetables, we use as little as we can get away with.  Since doing this we have generally felt much better after sitting down to a meal and I'm sure our bodies have thanked us as a result of it.  

For someone who's trying to become a lot more health conscious as she is, I do hope to muster up enough courage to educate my mother-in-law on the dangers of consuming more oil in her diet than she needs to especially when it comes to deep-frying.

Did You Know...

Are you suffering from pain in your knees, hips, ankles, and back?  Did you know that such pain is often attributed to excess weight.  There is no doubt that losing the extra weight will help prevent the stress you're putting on certain body parts and help reduce the pain that comes along with the added stress.

source: Michael F. Roizen, MD; Mehmet C. Oz, MD in You Losing Weight

Kimberly Locke

Kimberly Locke who many of you may remember from the early days of American Idol was spotted recently at the UCLA Longevity Center's 20th Anniversary ICON Awards looking absolutely stunning.  Looks like after years of struggling with what seemed like an endless weight loss battle, Kimberly has finally overcome her struggles.  I love her look-she looks healthy, radiant, and more vibrant than ever!  

Way to go Kimberly!


"You've Got To Eat More to Weight Less"-source: Unknown

Tosca Reno's Just the Rules

The Queen of the Eat Clean Diet is at it again with the release of her self-entitled book, "Just the Rules".  Just the Rules is a handy, go-to picket guide that accompanies her previous work and offers 51 basic tips and tricks for Clean Eating.

The book is a great guide for those who live a pretty busy lifestyle and need something quick any easy to refer to when trying to achieve a healthy lifestyle.   

The release data is set for September 16, 2011 and if you order a copy now on the Eat Clean Diet website located at: you can get a copy at a discounted rate.  

Happy Clean Eating!

Friday, August 19, 2011

Healthy Girls Rock!

Jennifer Hudson Self Magazine Feature

“I didn't even know I was considered plus-sized until I came to Hollywood”

In the September issue of Self Magazine, Jennifer will be dishing the goods on her amazing 80lbs weight loss success story.  She will not only dish on what prompted her to lose the weight to begin with, but will give advice on what she typically ate while trying to lose weight along with what she did for exercise.  
Definitely looking forward to getting myself a copy of this issue!  

Did You Know?

Did you know that the US had the dubious distinction of becoming the first nation on earth to consume processed foods for more than 50 percent of its diet?

Dr. Alexander G. Shauss-Diet, Crime, and Delinquency

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

September 2011 Weight Watchers Issue

I'm really excited about this issues Weight Watchers issue as it will be featuring the latest set of success stories for those who've had a significant amount of success with the program.

If you're currently following the program and looking for a little inspiration, go out and grab yourself a copy of the new issue.

Weight Loss Success Story: Angela Naphan

Well everyone here's my story:

I'm a 31 year old mother of 2 from Ontario Canada. I joined Weight Watchers Feb 2010 after my yearly girlie checkup at my doctors. During that appointment my doctor (who I might add is a very good looking man) had me step on the scale and my heart sank when he had to keep ticking the weights farther and farther over. At the end of my appointment he said to me "What are we going to do about your weight?". 30 years old and 252lbs wasn't something I ever thought I'd see...I was so ashamed and embarrassed. That afternoon I borrowed my Mom's materials and started following the Weight Watchers Points program. The following Thursday I joined at 246lbs! I've always been the heavy girl...all through school I played volleyball and basketball...but I always needed the biggest jersey. Prom dresses were always the biggest size offered (normally a 16). I was always a popular girl having friends in all the cliques or groups ...the Music and Band, Students Council, Sports, and even the Smoking section back then...but I was always SOOOO self conscious of the way I looked...I knew I was heavier than most of the girls (and boys for that matter)...but I had no idea what to do about it!! My first week I knew this was what I had been looking for...the results were awesome! Every half pound had me excited to see what the next week would bring..and yes I had weeks I was up (Christmas...Egg Nog is not good for weight loss, lol...even the "light" stuff...thank god it's only out once a year :P ) and a few where I stayed the same (switch up what you're eating...don't get stuck having the same "simple" meals)...but I knew I had come further than I had ever expected so why give up so easily...I stuck with it! I've only missed a handful of meetings...mostly this summer because we're at our cottage all the time...they are sooooo important. I built a rapport with my leader, the receptionists, and the other members during the Thursday night meetings...I felt like I couldn't let them down either! I'm now known as the 100lbs girl, lol! I hit lifetime June 2011 and can't wait to keep motivating and helping others to stick with it also!! It's achievable...if I can do it...anyone can!! 

Thank you EVERYONE!!

Friday, August 12, 2011

Kimora Lee Simons-Post Baby Weight.

Kimora Lee Simmons has certainly been working her Post Baby body and is looking fabulous!  I've always loved how Kimora has looked on either side of the weight spectrum, but you can't blame a sister for wanting to keep it healthy.  According to sources, she's 25 Ibs lighter and has managed to lose the weight by watching her portions, eating leaner proteins, and getting her daily intake of fruits and vegetables.  


How Many Times Should You Be Pooping a Day?

I know I'm going out on a limb with this post, but I was reading something the other day in the paper and felt that it was important to share the information I came across in a post.  So bear with me as this particular post is dedicated to our dearly beloeved "poops".  Poop, poop, poop it's all about the poop (ok, I'll stop now). 

On to the big question: do you know how many times you should be pooping on any given day?   You'd be surprised that not many people do, and because not many people know the answer to this question, I felt a moral obligation to do a little bit of investigating and provide a report back on what's considered normal when it comes to pooping.  

The one thing you have to keep in mind is that everyone's different, so what may me considered normal for one person may not be considered normal for another. However, when it comes to pooping, many experts would agree that if one is eating a sensible diet rich in wholesome and nutritious foods, then they should be aiming to go at least 1-3x per day.  Anything less would signal problems with one's colon and digestive system and would ultimately lead to problems of constipation, possibly diarrhea, irritable bowl syndrome and other health related problems.

Not that I want to talk about my poop on a public forum, but I usually know the reasons behind those times when I suffer from major constipation and it's mostly the result of eating refined, processed and junk foods.  The moment I switch things up by cleaning up the diet and eating a diet primarily based on CLEAN foods, I definitely notice a difference in my system and go on average twice a day.  

I'm sure no one feels comfortable knowing that when food isn't passed through the system properly it could lead to rotting particles left behind-a safe haven for parasites to feed on or better yet leakage in the blood creating a level of toxicity leading to leaky gut syndrome and other health related illnesses.

I know many of you may not feel all that comfortable with this subject and that's fine, but do yourself a favor and have this conversation with your doctor.  Figure out what's healthy for you in terms of pooping and do what needs to be done to keep your system healthy and keep you pooping on a regular basis.

Article source:;  


Vitamin Overload

Do you know just how many Vitamins you should be taking on any given day? It's a very good question and one that I've been trying to find the answer to for quite some time now.  For years I've been loading myself with all sorts of vitamins thinking that I was filling my body with what it needs, and it's gotten to the point where, quite frankly, I've grown quite tired of it.  Then again, I think this is my body's subtle way of telling me that I don't need to be taking as much as I take on a given day.  

I've been very fortunate to sit on on many weight loss sessions over the last year or so, and the answer to my one dilemma lies in the foods we eat.  According to Tosca Reno in the, "Eat Clean Diet Recharged", if one is following good healthy guidelines and eating the standard recommendation in fruits, vegetables, protein, grains and fat, then they shouldn't need anything else beyond what they're already taking in.  Seems like pretty good advice to me, don't you think?  

So I've decided from henceforth that I'm going to cut back on the amount of vitamins and supplements I'm taking in.  I may stick to a good Multivitamin and fish oil supplement and rely mainly on my food to give me the boost I need as far as additional supplementation.


Thursday, August 11, 2011

Don't Be Disillusioned: Gluten free diets

I was watching Dr. Oz this afternoon and the show happened to focus on the gluten-free craze that everyone seems to have jumped on over the last couple years.  I was surprised to learn just how misinformed people are when it comes to living a gluten-free lifestyle. I myself was a bit misinformed at one point with all the gluten-free products that had hit the shelves of the popular grocery chains I shop at until I started to inspect the nutrition labels on many of these products.  To my surprise, I realized that gluten-free didn't necessary mean that many of these products were good for you, even though that seems to be a common misconception that many individuals have out there.

If you do you're homework, you'll realize quickly that many processed gluten-free foods not only contain twice the calories as their traditional counterparts, but they can also be double the price".   You'll also find that these processed gluten free foods are much lower in fiber and won't do you justice in staying full over a long period of time.  

I have many friends who for medical reasons are living a gluten-free lifestyle, but are also are doing it the natural way by staying clear of unprocessed foods and opting for natural and wholesome ones instead.

So the next time you happen to stumble across gluten-free products in your local grocery store, keep in mind that the gluten-free labels on particular packaging does not mean that it's good for you and may in fact serve to deceive people into thinking that gluten-free means that such products are a healthier alternative to one's diet.  Even though it's easy to fall prey to popular diet fads, use your best judgement when it comes to your diet by reading your labels and keeping your plate CLEAN; that means eating from an array of lean meats, fresh fruits and veggies, whole-grains and healthy fats.

Article source:


LeAnne Rimes Continuing to Lose Weight

I came across a recent spotting of LeAnne Rimes and am quite concerned that she's still continuing to lose weight,  Then again, I think it's beyond the point of weight loss, LeAnne looks as if she's suffering from an eating disorder.  Definitely not a good look for her and I sure hope she gets the help she needs to manage her weight cause it's getting a little serious now.


Monday, August 8, 2011

Snooki's Weight Loss Transformation

I've never been a fan of "Jersey Shore" nor have I ever watched an episode in my life, but I definitely know who Snooki is and have been all over her recent weight loss.  

How'd she do it?  According to sources, Snooki apparently gave up alcohol and made water her best-friend.  She also starting opting for more healthier meal optins such as egg-whites in the mornings, salads for lunch, and lean protein such as chicken.

The girl looks great and I love the toned down look she has going on.  

Jill Scott was spotted recently at Mary J's, "2nd Annual HonorsConcert" in New York recently looking fabulous.  She's certainly working it after her amazing 50 pound weight loss.   

Jennifer Hudson-size 0

Don't know how many of you caught The View this past Friday, but talk show host, Joy Behar revealed on a recent shopping trip that she bumped into Jennifer and overheard a salesperson tell her that she's a size 0.  Joy recalled asking Jennifer how it felt to be a much smaller size and Jennifer responded by saying that, it's as if they're talking about someone else.  

Now I'm happy with Jennifer's recent weight loss and all, but a size 0?  I don't know about that-seems a little unnatural in my opinion, especially when taking into account her current height.  She's about 5'9 and I'm sure if you look at the BMI in which she's supposed to be at, she's most likely way underweight for where she should be at for weight.  

Well I guess the real test is to see just how long Jennifer can maintain her current weight for.  I'm pretty sure it's going to get to a point where her weight will naturally regulate itself back its set point.


Sunday, August 7, 2011

Make It A Lifestyle

I was chatting with a friend recently who's preparing to embark on her own weight loss journey and was a little taken aback during our conversation when she had made a comment about holding off on getting serious with dieting until possibly after the next few weeks.  She stated that with so many events coming up: stags, weddings, and other functions, she figured she might as well let these things pass, that way she'd be a a better position to get serious with weight loss when the time came. I then proceeded to ask her, why wait, when she could get started now?  What did these upcoming events have to do with her embarking on her weight loss journey at this very moment?  She retorted by saying that she wanted to start off on a clean slate with weight loss by cutting out the junk and eating completely clean when she was ready to begin her program.  Meaning that she wanted to completely cut out the junk and start off fresh by eating 100% clean.  In response, I added that in finding the right plan, she really shouldn't have to hold off on dieting or getting serious with weight loss when she could make it a lifestyle change or lifestyle priority NOW.  I further stated that there will always be events that take priority in our lives-the birthday parties, the weddings, the stags, family functions, you name it.  The best thing to do is to find some way to incorporate these things as a part of your everyday lifestyle.

On the current program that I'm on with Weight Watchers, I never cut out anything, NEVER!  Yes, I make more conscious decisions around the type of foods I eat and take into consideration portion sizes, but if I'm at an event or function I always find a way to work whatever I feel like indulging in into my diet so that I don't feel deprived.  I mean, who wants to live a life based on deprivation when you can find alternative ways of still enjoying your food?  I don't and I wouldn't recommend it for those of you currently following a weight loss program as doing so eventually and always leads to disaster-trust me I know!  

So my advice to all those dieters out there is to center your plans around your lifestyle.  Yes it's important to be a little mindful about what you're eating, but it's also important to find ways to still incorporate the foods you love into your diet without sabotaging your waist line.  So for once, live a little and make your diet a part of your lifestyle.

I know my friend might be reading this and if so just know that I'm only looking after your best interest and doing my part to support you on your journey.  I want more than anything to see you succeed and hope that you will find a plan that not only supports your journey, but your lifestyle as well.


Saturday, August 6, 2011

"By eating correctly, you can actually change how you look" Dr. Nicholas Perricone

The Latest Workout Craze:Bokwa

I was searching the internet for new work-out videos when I came across one for the new workout craze Bokwa.  Bokwa Fitness is the new up and coming dance workout that was created by Paul Mavi during his visit to South Africa.  The program is comprised of cardio, strength, flexibility, and is the latest fitness program to hit the Fitness industry since Zumba.  I've always loved Zumba, but I definitely love what BOKWA has to offer as it seems much more energetic and intense than Zumba.

It seems like BOKWA Fitness is only offering private events and fitness classes at the moment, but I would love to inquire and see if the company plans on putting out any DVDs.  Stay tuned for more information on my part.

For more information on the workout, please visit:

Friday, August 5, 2011

Healthy Girls Rock!

Be creative and use powerful actions in line with what you want. If you want your Best body, YOUR Dreambody, first you have to believe it, see it and try it on. Visualize yourself in the body and the life you want. If you want to attract the perfect partner, then make room in your closet. If you want to take a trip then get out your suitcases. Think about what you would do if you had your desire and then take creative actions that make it clear you are receiving it now :)

Trainer: Paul Anthony Neil

10 Minute Trainer

I've been eyeing Tony Horton's 10 Minute Trainer for about a year now and am thinking about purchasing it.  I have the P90X, which is a great program, but I'm thinking this one's even better as it's broken into 10 minute segments that I can easily adapt to my lifestyle.  I'm still working out 3-4x/week with a mix of cardio and strength, but am always looking for creative ways of getting my work-outs in; looks like the 10 Minute Trainer may do the trick.  

Monday, August 1, 2011

Body Bugg

I've been hearing about the Body Bugg devise for some time now and would love to get my hands on one.  This latest piece of technology is one of the most advanced calorie management devises on the market and has been helping thousands of people to now only lose but effectively manage their weight.  Might have to put this one on my wishlist for hubby (smiles).

 To learn more about the Bugg, watch the video below:  

‎"Life has no remote. You have to get up and change it yourself!"