Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Weight Loss Struggles

A conversation I had with a friend earlier today really inspired me to get on my blog and write about the challenges often associated with losing weight and staying focused on your goals.  First and foremost, I wanted to congratulate my friend for getting serious about losing weight and taking the steps necessary to reach her goals.    I know it hasn't been easy for her to lose the weight but I commend her for taking charge and taking control of her health.

This is the first time I've had an intimate conversation with this friend over weight-her struggles, her frustrations, her successes, not to mention her disappointments.  In the 5 years that I've known her, I've seen her try to lose weight on numerous occasions and couldn't quite figure out why she never succeeded with her attempts.  Time and time again, she'd declare to finally get the weight off, go on a plan, get motivated, start to lose weight and then before you know it she'd be right back to where she was before she started on her weight loss journey.  I totally feel her pain, because I too have struggled with my own weight over the years, however, the difference between me then vs now is the fact that when I made a conscious decision, this time around, to embark on my weight loss journey, I started slowly.  Meaning, I took each day one step at a time by having a clear vision in my mind of why I wanted to lose the weight and by setting small measurable and achievable goals for myself in the process.

Some of the goals I set when I first started on my path were to:

1.  Incorporate vegetables with two of my main meals (lunch and dinner).
2.  Drink 6-8 glasses of water each day.
3.  Exercise 5x/week (3 days of cardio + 2 days of strength)
4.  Stop eating 3 hours before bed

Another crucial factor that has really helped me in my weight loss journey is having a strong support network.  I've been blessed in that my hubby, friends, and loved ones have really encouraged me to stay focused  on my goals and keep my eyes on the prize.  Each time I fell off the wagon, they were always right there to pick me up and get me right back on track.  

And finally, feeling, believing and embracing a healthier, vibrant, and slimmer me has provided all the motivation I need to keep going.  The last trainer I had, used to constantly preach about "owning and embracing a new you" and you know what?  He was right.  If you don't believe that you are worthy enough to look and feel your best, it won't happen.  

For those of you who are really struggling out there to lose weight, I feel your pain.  It's not easy and I know that, but it's important for you to take small baby steps, have a clear vision in your mind of where you want to get to, and believe that it will happen.  We can do this together! Stay strong and don't give up!!!

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