Friday, March 12, 2010

Must Read: You Are What You Eat

The latest book I've been reading is Gillian McKeith's, "You Are What You Eat"; yes I know, I'm still on that Gillian McKeith kick (smiles).

Now I've read a lot, and I mean a lot of diet and nutrition books over the years, but no book has covered the full spectrum of diet, general nutrition and health as Gillian has in her latest book.

For those of you who aren't familiar with "You Are What You Eat", this book takes a holistic approach to nutrition and offers a step by step guideline on what you should eat and why. In comparison to Canada's own, Tosca Reno and her "Eat Clean Diet" there's really not much difference between the two approaches, however, Gillian differ's in that she focuses on the anatomical affects of not eating a healthy and balanced diet; everything from poor sleeping habits, brittle nails, moodiness, digestive issues, right down to a stall in weight loss. What really got me with this book is the stool section; who would have thought that your stools can tell you a lot about your general state of health?

Diet wise, Gillian takes a realistic approach to nutrition by incorporating what she calls her Abundant Food List. By eating this way, you can pretty much eat a wide array of foods, plus more, as long as you eat the right foods. By the right foods, Gillian means natural, wholesome foods that have not been packaged, refined or processed. Sounds like a pretty reasonable message in my opinion.

I've been incorporating the "You Are What You Eat" approach to my lifestyle and have seen a major difference in how generally feel. I've been experimenting with all sorts of herbs (not the herbs you think) and remedies I've never ever heard of and my body is in a much better state because of it.

I give this book a two-thumbs up!

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