Thursday, March 4, 2010

Healthy Spicy Sushi Rolls

I was in a creative spirit this afternoon and decided to experiment in the kitchen by trying something new. Being that I've been craving sushi for quite sometime now, I figured that rather than spending money and purchasing it through a restaurant, I'd make my own. For a first-timer, I must say that I did a pretty good job and believe it or not, I could actually see myself trying this recipe again (smiles).

Either way, here's the recipe to what I call my mock version of sushi.

Healthy Spicy Sushi Rolls


2 Nori Seaweed sheets
1/4 of a cucumber thinly sliced
1 cup of cooked Shrimp
1 tbsp of Light Mayonnaise
Garlic Chilli sauce
Alfafa Sprouts
1/4 tsp of Sesame Oil
1tsp of Olive Oil

In a frying pan add olive oil and lightly saute shrimp (add a little bit of sea-salt and pepper for seasoning). Cook for about 5-10 minutes, remove from heat and shred shrimp in food processor (blender should do just fine). Once shredded, add mayonnaise, sesame oil and garlic sauce and mix.

Tear seaweed sheet in half and lay-out on hard-surface (cutting board, counter etc). Starting from one end right up till a little past the middle of the sheet, smooth out shrimp mixture, add cucumber and alfalfa sprouts then roll from one end to the other. There should be enough mixture for 4 sheets of sushi (2 large sheets torn in half).


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