Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Turkey Meatballs

One of my favorite snacks to eat from time to time is turkey meatballs.  They're super easy to make, low in fat, and don't have much by the way of calories.  One thing I should note is that I don't use breadcrumbs or wheat when making my meatballs.  I'm trying to stay away from breads and flour in general, and opting for alternatives when making dishes that call for these ingredients.  Believe it or not, one ingredient that I found has worked as a breadcrumb alternative is large flake oats, ground in a food processor.  One of my girlfriends introduced me to this method about a year ago and you know what, you can barely taste the difference.  

On another note, for those of you who can't live without a sauce or dip of some sort for your meatballs, try Apple Butter.  Apple butter, in my opinion, is quite similar to plum sauce, but waaaay healthier for you.  A serving is 15 grams or 1 Tablespoon and there's about 4 grams of natural sugar in total-just under the recommended sugar intake of 5 grams/meal.  You can find Apple Butter at a health food store or at Superstore (much cheaper there).

Turkey Meatball Recipe
1 package of lean ground turkey
1 egg
1/2 onion (chopped)
3 Tablespoons of large flake oats
1Tablespoon of ground flaxseed (optional)
Salt and pepper to taste
dash of paprika
dash of thyme
1-2 tsp of oregano
Dash of garlic powder

Start off by lining a baking sheet with foil and coating with a tiny bit of oil.  Place turkey in a bowl, add spices and mix together.  After mixing, add your oats, onions, then egg and mix until all ingredients are combined.  Using your hands, form a nice size ball and place into baking sheet.   Once mixture has been used up, place in oven and bake for 15-20 minutes or until lightly brown.

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