Thursday, February 2, 2012

You Know You're on Weight Watchers When...

A regular poster on one of the popular discussion boards I follow, posted this up this evening and it kind of hand me chuckling a bit.  Now for those of you who have followed Weight Watchers or are currently on the program, how many of you have displayed the behaviors captured in this post?  I hate to admit, but I on more than one occasion have displayed many of the behaviors highlighted below and still do from time to time (lol).  I guess that's the nature of being on a weight controlled program-it kind of makes you a bit neurotic doesn't it?  Well either way, I thought I'd humor you by, in turn, posting a slightly altered list on my page and adding a few of my own...enjoy!

You know you're on weight watchers when:

. You accidentally swallow toothpaste and wonder how many POINTS it had in it.

· You stand in the aisles at the grocery store with your WW PointsFinder figuring POINTS before you buy.

· Everyone at your lunch table is asking you to figure the POINTS on their lunch.

· You figure the POINTS on cough syrup.

· When you've run out your daily points for the day, you turn to the Weight Watchers 0 points soup as your meal of choice.

· You don't want to share ANY of your food with anyone because you've measured it and know exactly how many POINTS are in it.

· You know where every public restroom is wherever you go . . . you need it after drinking all that water!

· You wear as little clothes as possible during weigh-in, hoping that the less clothes worn the better the weight loss.

· On the day of your weigh-in (especially if a morning weigh-in), you skip eating your first meal of the day in hopes of producing great numbers during weigh-in.

· You weigh yourself before and after the bathroom just to see how much of a difference it makes.

· You ask your WW leader to bring in a curtain so you can weigh-in naked.

· You Calculate Activity points for Sex!

· People at work know when your weigh in day is because you have the same outfit on that day EVERY WEEK

· You take a bite and then spit it out because you realize it wasn't worth the points! 

· You mark all the food boxes in the house with points per serving.

· You carry your journal with you wherever you go.

· Kashi becomes your favorite snack food.

· You start wondering how many points are in bubble gum

· You know in advance, by heart, what you can and cannot eat at each and every restaurant.

· You take a big black permanent marker and not only mark the points but also write your name and "DO NOT TOUCH OR ELSE". 

· Everywhere you go, you take along two 'purses'. Your regular purse, and your Weight Watcher's Black Bag, with the point guides, Slider, and all other 'stuff' in there!

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