Saturday, March 17, 2012

Weigh-in and Update-Week #9

It's officially 9 weeks since I've been on WW and as of today I'm down .8 pounds. Didn't lose as much as I expected to, but hey, a  loss is a loss, as I always say, and I'll definitely take the .8 of a pound vs. not losing anything.

As far as updates, last week was a bit challenging in that I had days where I was just starving, and when I say starving, that insane type of starving where you're going to lose your mind.  The ironic part is that I've pretty much been eating the same type of things over the previous weeks as I was this week and I really can't pin-point what was different this time around.  It could be that the additional days of exercise and strength training has boosted my metabolism and as a result I'm having to compensate by eating more, but who knows.  I think for this coming week, I may have to experiment with the program a little by using my Activity Points.  If you're not quite familiar with WW Activity Points (AP's), AP's are points you can earn each week by incorporating exercise into the program.  So for example, on the old WW program (which I decided to go back to), if I exercise on one day for a total of 30 minutes at medium intensity I can earn 2 points.  I then have the option to trade in those points for food or I can leave them untouched.  The only catch is that those additional points MUST be used the same week you earn them. 

I've never really bothered much to use my AP's for fear of not losing, but I think my body's trying to tell me something with the increased hunger levels and it may be time to dip into those points I've been avoiding for so long.  

Aside from the increased hunger levels, the program is going pretty well and I am more determined than ever to reach my goal weight.  I have my days where I feel like caving in (as I'm sure we all do) but I'm feeling pretty optimistic that this time around will be different.  

Happy Saturday (oh and St. Patty's Day) everyone!  

01/15/12:   -2.2
01/28/12:   -2.0
02/01/12:   -3.2
02/11/12:   -0.8
02/18/12:   +1.4
02/25/12:   +1.2
03/03/12:   -3.4 
03/10/12:   -1.2
03/17/12:   -0.8

Total Weigh lost:  
13.6 pounds

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