Sunday, March 4, 2012

How Am I Doing?

I know it's been a while since I last posted on my progress since starting back on Weight Watchers, so I thought I'd do a quick update to let my readers know how I've been doing with the program, especially since many of you have been sending me e-mails inquiring about my progress.  

It's been a total of 7 weeks since I've been on program and I'm actually down a total of 11.6 pounds, which works out to an average of 1.65 pounds/week for weight loss-not to bad if you ask me.  

I will admit, that I have gone back to the old Weight Watchers points system since I'm not liking PointsPlus 2012 all that much.  It's definitely a great program as far as teaching and encouraging a healthier way of eating, but I'm not liking the fact that weight loss seems so inconsistent from week to week (no different from what I experienced when I did PP2011 last year).  On the new program, I'd have weeks where I have big losses, then weeks  where I gain and compared to the old program it's not very consistent for me in terms of tracking and getting a really good sense of how I'm doing with weight loss from week to week.  Then again, I can only speak for myself as far as my experiences on the program as I have friends who are on the new program and are having fantastic results from week to week with weight loss.  

Aside from from the diet component of the program, I've also upped the exercise and am exercising 4-5x/week doing a mix of cardio, strength, swimming, and Zumba.  

I'd say that things seems to be going pretty well and for once in my life, I am FOCUSED.  

I know that many of you have been sending me e-mails to check in on my progress, so here's a quick glance of how weight loss has been going since I started back on program:

01/15/12:   -2.2
01/28/12:   -2.0
02/01/12:   -3.2
02/11/12:   -0.8
02/18/12:   +1.4
02/25/12:   +1.2
03/03/12:   -3.4 (switched back to the Old Momentum program at this point)

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