Friday, March 9, 2012

12 Week Bikini Body Challenge

Guess what I'm going to be doing over the next 12 weeks?  Joining a 12 week Bikini Body challenge courtesy of the girls who run the blog site Omalicha Curls.  I'm always up for a challenge and with summer just around the corner, not to mention a big trip I'm going on with family and friends, it's even more the reason for me to jump on board with the challenge in hopes of looking my best when that time comes.  

The rules of the challenge are really quite simple and are structured in such a way that anyone, no matter what program you're following can easily follow the program.  Here's an example:

  • Weekly check-ins with progress including initial measurements of the waist line, hip line and bust line as well as the circumference of both legs (thigh area).
  • A minimum of 3 meals a day (breakfast is required)
  • Limited to two healthy snacks per day  (***MUST EAT ONLY ONE SERVING SIZE INDICATED ON THE PACKAGING)
  • Daily intake of a Multivitamin supplement
  • A minimum, of five 30 minute workouts per week, be sure to include 1 full rest day throughout the week
  • A maximum intake of 2000 calories per day 
  • No bogus supplements (e.g. quick trim, hydroxycut etc.)
  • Incorporate two fruits or vegetables with each meal
  • Drink at least eight-8 oz. glasses of water per day 
  • No white bread-Wheat only!

Seems quite doable if you ask me and one that I can easily stick to since I'm already following Weight Watchers.  Besides many of the rules for the 12 week challenge are similar to the Good Healthy Guidelines set in place for Weight Watchers, so I should be able to have no problem  sticking to program.  

The challenge officially started this past Monday with I believe 20 of us in gear ready to get our bodies in tip-top shape by the time the 12 weeks roll around.  My first weigh-in is tomorrow so I will definitely keep you posted on how the first week goes.

For more information on the challenge check out:

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