Sunday, September 11, 2011

Weight Loss Gate-keepers

One topic that's been on my mind for a while is what I call "Weight-loss Gate-keepers"-you know, the type of people you come across who've struggled to lose a bunch of weight, finally lose it, and when asked how they managed to shed the pounds, give you the classic, sly remark: "oh I lost it through eating healthy and exercising".  In probing them further to explore the exact details of their weight loss success- whether they were following a specific program, along with what they ate, and what they did for exercise, you get the, "no really it was quite simple, I did it just watching what I ate and getting  exercise in".  Come on!  I know that you did it through healthy eating and exercise, but I want to get to the bottom of what exactly you did as far as eating and exercise is concerned.

I really don't get this type of behavior nor why some people choose to safely guard their successful weight loss attempts.  What's the big deal anyway?  It's not like I'm asking you to sell your soul to the devil, I'm simply asking a basic question"how and what did you do to lose the weight".  When you think about it, you struggled to get to where some of us are trying to get to and at the end of the day, you wouldn't be where you are if someone, in turn, didn't offer up some helpful advice to get you started on your own personal journey with weight loss.  

I guess I've always been a little different that way.  I'm not big on the whole gate-keeping thing, especially when it comes to weight loss and personally don't mind sharing a few helpful tips as I venture on my own journey.  At the end of the day, it's really not that big of a deal and if I can support or make a difference in one person's life when it comes to reaching their personal goals-I'm game!  


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