Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Man Sues White Castle Over Booth Size

“The Americans with Disabilities Act is “applicable, not only to me, but to pregnant women and to handicapped people,”

This is one of those stories that make you shake your head and go, "huh".  
A 64 year-old man  out of New York is suing the White Castle restaurant chain because he couldn't fit into the restaurant's booth.  Martin Kessman, who weighs 290 pounds complained to management for more than two years after repeatedly knocking his knee into the tables' metal supports.  After sending a series of letters of his complaints to the chain, the restaurant responded by sending him their condolences, along with free hamburger coupons and promises of expanding booth sizes.   The booths unfortunately (or maybe fortunately) were never changed, and Kessman is now taking his case to federal court (this is the part where I go huh for the second time).  Get this, Kessman is suing for bigger chairs and unspecified damages because he claims the restaurant chain is violating the Americans with Disabilities Act (since when was obesity a've got to be kidding me). 

I'm trying to be a little sensitive here, but maybe the lesson here, that Kessman obviously missed, is that perhaps he should focuses his energy elsewhere and stop eating so many damn burgers.

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