Thursday, May 19, 2011

My New Love: Witchhazel

Those of you who have been following my blog for a while, know that I've been experimenting with natural ingredients for some time now in caring for my face.  It's been a little difficult parting ways with the commercially made products that have served me for so long, but I have discovered that nothing beats those products that are not only good for you, but friendly to your wallet at the same time.  

One such product that I've recently discovered as an alternative skin toner is Thayers Witch Hazel.   This stuff is absolutely amazing and has been so good to my skin.  I'll admit that my skin hasn't been the greatest over the last month as a result of not properly fueling or hydrating my body, but since getting back on top with my eating and water intake and using Witch Hazel as a toner, my skin has literally taken a turn for the best.  This product literally gets a Five stars on my opinion and is a must have skin toner...TRUST ME!!!

For those of you who are probably already asking where you can find Witch Hazel, it can be found at your local Health Food Store, for just under $12.00.  $12.00 will get you 355ml worth of product and product that will go a long way.  I purchased a bottle about 4 months ago and still haven't used up a quarter of the bottle, which goes to show you how great this product is in terms costs savings.  


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