Saturday, May 14, 2011

Louise L. Hay's You Can Heal Your Life

If there's one thing in life I'm after, it's working towards being the BEST, possible ME God ever created.  Like anyone else, I still have my shortfalls, but I work hard each day, chipping away at the pieces that keep me from  being just that-THE BEST POSSIBLE ME EVER.  The one piece of work that inspires me as I work towards my personal journey is Louise L. Hay's, "You Can Can Health Your Life" (both the DVD and book combo).  It's a fabulous piece of work and one that provides meaning to this journey we call life.  If you have yet to watch the movie or read the book, I highly recommend both. Life will take on new meaning and you'll feel inspired to live each day with a tremendous amount fervor and passion.

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