Friday, May 20, 2011

Must Have: Ikat Dress

So I've officially gone down one dress size and in going down dress sizes, you know what that means...almost time for a new wardrobe.  One item that caught my eye while browsing the web this evening, is the Ikat dress Eva Marcille had on at the L.A. Premiere of Jumping the Broom.  The dress is right up my alley and one that I will literally do anything to get my hands on (well not anything-lol).  A perfect must have for the summer!

Janet Jackson 2011 Cinema Against Aids Gala

Janet Jackson was spotted at the amfar's 2011 Cinema Against Aids Gala and to borrow a quote from my girlfriend, "was looking fit and fabulous".  From reading a few interviews with Janet over the last couple of months, I know she's back on track with eating healthy and working out and is looking quite fabulous I must say.  

Thursday, May 19, 2011

My New Love: Witchhazel

Those of you who have been following my blog for a while, know that I've been experimenting with natural ingredients for some time now in caring for my face.  It's been a little difficult parting ways with the commercially made products that have served me for so long, but I have discovered that nothing beats those products that are not only good for you, but friendly to your wallet at the same time.  

One such product that I've recently discovered as an alternative skin toner is Thayers Witch Hazel.   This stuff is absolutely amazing and has been so good to my skin.  I'll admit that my skin hasn't been the greatest over the last month as a result of not properly fueling or hydrating my body, but since getting back on top with my eating and water intake and using Witch Hazel as a toner, my skin has literally taken a turn for the best.  This product literally gets a Five stars on my opinion and is a must have skin toner...TRUST ME!!!

For those of you who are probably already asking where you can find Witch Hazel, it can be found at your local Health Food Store, for just under $12.00.  $12.00 will get you 355ml worth of product and product that will go a long way.  I purchased a bottle about 4 months ago and still haven't used up a quarter of the bottle, which goes to show you how great this product is in terms costs savings.  


Sunday, May 15, 2011

Back At It

I don't think any picture could best capture how it's been getting back into the gym last week after taking a solid month off.  I know, dissapointing isn't it?  And now I have to spend the next couple of weeks slowly getting back into my regular gym routine.  I don't know about you,  but starting back up with work-outs even after taking as little as a week off is like starting from scratch and I hate the feeling.  I think it's high time, I strive to put ME first and learn to work my life around the things that promote a healthy me...


A Super Skinny Leann Rimes

I know I've touted Leann Rimes weight loss over the last year, but she taken this whole weight loss thing a little too far? 

Jennifer Aniston Spotted in NYC

After seeing photos of Jennifer Aniston at the Sephora in New York City promoting her new fragrance Lolavie, I'd say I'm definitely hitting the gym today (smiles).  This woman is fit and obviously puts in a lot of work to keep that tight frame of hers. 


Saturday, May 14, 2011

Weight Watchers-Walk-It Day

Where will you be on May 22, 2011?

Louise L. Hay's You Can Heal Your Life

If there's one thing in life I'm after, it's working towards being the BEST, possible ME God ever created.  Like anyone else, I still have my shortfalls, but I work hard each day, chipping away at the pieces that keep me from  being just that-THE BEST POSSIBLE ME EVER.  The one piece of work that inspires me as I work towards my personal journey is Louise L. Hay's, "You Can Can Health Your Life" (both the DVD and book combo).  It's a fabulous piece of work and one that provides meaning to this journey we call life.  If you have yet to watch the movie or read the book, I highly recommend both. Life will take on new meaning and you'll feel inspired to live each day with a tremendous amount fervor and passion.

Jill Scott Shows Off 50 Pound Weight Loss in June Issue of Ebony

I haven't read Ebony Magazine in years, but I think I may have to purchase the June Issue featuring Jill Scott and her amazing 50 pound weight loss transformation.  Known so well for singing the "big and beautiful" anthem, I'm curious to know what prompted Miss Scott to finally shed those pounds. Similar to the countless others who have sung the same tune (think Monique, Queen Latifah etc.), did Jill finally realize that this tune could only be sung so long in the face of the true, and harsh realities of carrying a slightly heavier frame...I guess I'll have to wait and find out.  

The latest issue can be found at all major magazine outlets, and if you live in Canada or my neck-of the Wood's you may have to look extra hard to find the issue (lol)

Jenny Craig Reigns Supreme According to Consumer Report

According to the latest Consumer Reports, Jenny Craig, the program that combines counseling with a portion-controlled regimen of pre-made foods supplemented by home cooked sides, has been designated a Ratings winner by Consumer Reports Health.  

For those of you who aren't familiar with how Consumer Reports Health works, diet Ratings are based on adherence to nutritional guidelines set forth by the 2010 U.S. Dietary Guidelines for Americans, and weight loss and drop-out rates, both short-term and long-term clinical trials.   The point of the report, according to Nancy Metcalf, senior program editor for Consumer Reports Health is to "give dieters a side-by-side comparison of the main diet programs so they can choose for themselves".

Jenny Craig surpassed all other popular diets because of a two-year clinical trial of 332 diets published int he Journal of the American Medical Association that found 92 per cent of participants stuck with the plan for two years.  As a result, they ended up shaving off an average of 8 percent of their weight while following the program.


Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Healthy Girls Rock!!!

Jordin Sparks-Kentucky Derby

Jordin Sparks recently killing it with her style at the Kentucky Derby...Love the new look!  She looks Fabulous!  Now I wonder if Miss Sparks caught the WW bug with her recent weight loss???  

Monday, May 9, 2011

The Rock...

Need I say more...

The Men's Health Big Book of Food & Nutrition

This post is dedicated to my male followers who are looking to get in shape and tone up just in time for Summer.  The Men's Health Big Book of Food & Nutrition, is the ultimate guide to shopping, dining, and cooking all in the name of getting a leaner, fitter body.  So if you're looking for a few helpful hints to help you get started on your health plan, then you don't want to sleep on this book.



Sunday, May 8, 2011

Controversial Jordin Sparks Tweet

Jordin Sparks has been catching quite a bit of heat when she tweeted herself in a dotted bikini earlier last week.  Obviously the 21-year-old is feeling herself after losing a stunning 30 pounds over the course of the last few months.  According to Jordin: "Something just clicked with me, and instead of sitting around talking about it I said, I'm going to go hike that mountain!"  And it continued.  I've been hiking and I've done a couple of runs, she told US Weekly last month.  "I also do Zumba.  It's so much fun!"


Millionaire Matchmaker's Body Makeover

I was watching ET the other night when I came across a clip featuring the "Millionaire Matchmaker's" feature star, Patti Stanger.  Apparently, Patti lost a total of 20 pounds to get in shape for a new season of her hit show and word has it that her reason for shedding the pounds was in part due to her quest to look for love.  

Go on Patti!  


Food Lover's Diet

If it sounds too good to be true, it certainly must be the judge:

Beyonce's , "Move Your Body"

Work-it out people!