Friday, April 22, 2011

Cynthia & Amy's 12 Week Challenge: Weigh-In Wk #11

Week #11 Update:

Slowly getting back on track and lost .8 of a pound last week.  Not much, but then again it's pretty close to a full pound so why bother complaining. As for my workouts, this is one area I've been slacking in the last few weeks.  I must say, once you take a break from working out, it's really difficult trying to get back into the swing of things.  Even though our challenge is coming to an end, I need to keep telling myself that it's not the end of my own personally journey in getting healthy.  Sure, I've experienced all sorts of hiccups along the way, but as with anything in life, nothing comes easy and you have to keep working at what you truly desire in life and for me that's ultimate HEALTH!


I was out so I couldn’t do it last night!
A change in behaviour – THAT is what the last 11 weeks have been about. I overindulged this past week (2 pieces of chocolate cake in one day) and so I hit the gym hard. Ok, maybe not hard, but I showed up 4 times and I pushed myself when I was there. As a result, I was down 1.4 pounds. Not every week is going to be like this, but for the most part I have learned what I need to do to live clean and be healthy. Now it is just a matter of practicing it. Over the weekend I fell into the same old pattern....going for beer and nachos. I was talked into the nachos (really I was) and truthfully, they didn’t taste that great and they didn’t sit well! Lesson learned.....
One more week. Honestly, I will not be sad to say good-bye to the‘reporting back on the number’ every week. The program works for me, the stress around weighing in – not so much!

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