Friday, April 22, 2011

Benefits of Hempheart Seeds

I know it's been quite some time since I've last blogged, but I've been in some funk the last few weeks and haven't been feeling as inspired or motivated to do much of anything.  Either way, I'm slowly climbing my way out of whatever it is I've been going through and thought it would be nice to connect with at least one of my passions and that is blogging and speaking about anything and everything concerning health. 

So as a start to a fresh new blog post, I am sharing with you my recent new discovery and that is the joys of hempheart seeds.  If you're anything like my husband you're probably wondering what the heck I'm doing with what many consider a distant cousin of cannabis, but if you expand your mind for just a sec. you'll discover that hempheart seeds are more than just its name.  

So what are hempheart seeds?  Hemp seeds are considered the edible portion of the Cannabis Sativa L plant.  They're about the same size of sesame seeds, but a little softer in texture.  

I love hemphearts for the fact that they're a great source of protein.  In fact, they're a complete protein source and contain all 10 of the essential amino acids needed to make up a complete protein.  Aside its high protein content, studies have shown that these tiny little seeds also contain a nice blend of Omega 3 and 6 essential fatty acids which makes it a good fat.

Even though hemphearts have many uses, I typically throw them in my salads, add them to my morning breakfast, or include them in my shakes.  Now in case you're wondering about taste, I find that there really is not taste to hempseeds-maybe a mild nutty flavor but that's it. 



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