Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Cynthia & Amy's 12 Week Challenge: Monday Weigh-In Wk #10

Week #10 Update:

This last week was a little bit better.  I managed to clean-up the eating from the week prior to that and lost .5 pounds.  Still feeling a little not feeling as motivated, but I have to keep in mind that the change I've been working towards is a lifestyle change and if I'm not feeling motivated it means I'm not feeling motivated to living life.  

Two more weeks left of the challenge, time to really make it count!


Well, I feel like I am losing steam! I didn't lose an ounce last week, but then again I didn't gain either. I am tired of tracking....that is my excuse for this week! I need to work on the boredom because being mindful of my weight and health is truly going to be a life long commitment -  the sooner I get my head around it the greater chance I will have at long term success. You know what they say, losing weight is the easy part (keeping it off is the hard part). I need to get my head around why I'm bored after 9 weeks. That is my challenge for the week. That, and hitting the gym 5 times...I need to turn this around.

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