Friday, April 22, 2011

Cynthia & Amy's 12 Week Challenge: Weigh-In Wk #11

Week #11 Update:

Slowly getting back on track and lost .8 of a pound last week.  Not much, but then again it's pretty close to a full pound so why bother complaining. As for my workouts, this is one area I've been slacking in the last few weeks.  I must say, once you take a break from working out, it's really difficult trying to get back into the swing of things.  Even though our challenge is coming to an end, I need to keep telling myself that it's not the end of my own personally journey in getting healthy.  Sure, I've experienced all sorts of hiccups along the way, but as with anything in life, nothing comes easy and you have to keep working at what you truly desire in life and for me that's ultimate HEALTH!


I was out so I couldn’t do it last night!
A change in behaviour – THAT is what the last 11 weeks have been about. I overindulged this past week (2 pieces of chocolate cake in one day) and so I hit the gym hard. Ok, maybe not hard, but I showed up 4 times and I pushed myself when I was there. As a result, I was down 1.4 pounds. Not every week is going to be like this, but for the most part I have learned what I need to do to live clean and be healthy. Now it is just a matter of practicing it. Over the weekend I fell into the same old pattern....going for beer and nachos. I was talked into the nachos (really I was) and truthfully, they didn’t taste that great and they didn’t sit well! Lesson learned.....
One more week. Honestly, I will not be sad to say good-bye to the‘reporting back on the number’ every week. The program works for me, the stress around weighing in – not so much!

Benefits of Hempheart Seeds

I know it's been quite some time since I've last blogged, but I've been in some funk the last few weeks and haven't been feeling as inspired or motivated to do much of anything.  Either way, I'm slowly climbing my way out of whatever it is I've been going through and thought it would be nice to connect with at least one of my passions and that is blogging and speaking about anything and everything concerning health. 

So as a start to a fresh new blog post, I am sharing with you my recent new discovery and that is the joys of hempheart seeds.  If you're anything like my husband you're probably wondering what the heck I'm doing with what many consider a distant cousin of cannabis, but if you expand your mind for just a sec. you'll discover that hempheart seeds are more than just its name.  

So what are hempheart seeds?  Hemp seeds are considered the edible portion of the Cannabis Sativa L plant.  They're about the same size of sesame seeds, but a little softer in texture.  

I love hemphearts for the fact that they're a great source of protein.  In fact, they're a complete protein source and contain all 10 of the essential amino acids needed to make up a complete protein.  Aside its high protein content, studies have shown that these tiny little seeds also contain a nice blend of Omega 3 and 6 essential fatty acids which makes it a good fat.

Even though hemphearts have many uses, I typically throw them in my salads, add them to my morning breakfast, or include them in my shakes.  Now in case you're wondering about taste, I find that there really is not taste to hempseeds-maybe a mild nutty flavor but that's it. 



Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Cynthia & Amy's 12 Week Challenge: Monday Weigh-In Wk #10

Week #10 Update:

This last week was a little bit better.  I managed to clean-up the eating from the week prior to that and lost .5 pounds.  Still feeling a little not feeling as motivated, but I have to keep in mind that the change I've been working towards is a lifestyle change and if I'm not feeling motivated it means I'm not feeling motivated to living life.  

Two more weeks left of the challenge, time to really make it count!


Well, I feel like I am losing steam! I didn't lose an ounce last week, but then again I didn't gain either. I am tired of tracking....that is my excuse for this week! I need to work on the boredom because being mindful of my weight and health is truly going to be a life long commitment -  the sooner I get my head around it the greater chance I will have at long term success. You know what they say, losing weight is the easy part (keeping it off is the hard part). I need to get my head around why I'm bored after 9 weeks. That is my challenge for the week. That, and hitting the gym 5 times...I need to turn this around.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Cynthia & Amy's 12 Week Challenge: Monday Weigh-In Wk #9

Week #9 Update:

What does stress, exhaustion and lack of motivation equal: a perfect formula for disaster!  Well that's the type of week I had last week and am still having this week.  I've been super stressed, exhausted, tired, drained, and as a result I've been resorting back to those same patterns that had me carrying more than 20 pounds on my frame.  

If there's one lesson contained in this story, it's that self-care is super important when it comes to success with any weight loss program.  In fact self-care is super important irregardless.  I know I haven't been taking care of ME and it's been showing up with my eating big time.  

There's only a few weeks left of this challenge, and I really can't give up now.  I've come way to far to throw it all a way.  I promise, I'll get over this little hump I'm going through and give all I've got to reach the end!

Oh and by the way, I put on a stinking pound with last weekends weigh in (sad face).


One of my fav leaders once said "if you kinda follow the program, it will kinda work" - if you follow the program, it WILL work". Ok, so I took it to heart this week after my disappointing 0.2 pound weight loss last week. And guess what, I was down 1.6 pounds. Boredom is my enemy - I get  lazy about tracking and the result is never good. And complacency is enemy #2.

As this journey slowly comes to an end (only a few more weeks until final weigh in) I realize that I have learned tons about myself. But probably the most important thing that I've learned is that this is hard work, and you need good friends that get it to stand by you. A special thanks to you Cynthia - I wouldn't be where I am today without you by my side.