Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Bye, Bye to Commercial Skin Care Products!

A few days ago, I made a conscious decision to part ways with the line of skin care products I have been using for the last 16 years and start using natural homemade products, many of which are provided by Mother-Earth herself. I have nothing against the products I was using in the past since they worked well for my needs at the time; it's just that with the path that I'm on toward living as healthy a life possible, it made sense to not only watch what I put into my body, but what I put onto it as well.

I must say that I've always been blessed with good skin, but with age and the life altering events such as child-birth, my skin has changed quite a bit and is not quite what it used to be in my younger days.

So what am I doing to get my skin back to its natural state?

1. Diet, diet, diet: I'm eating a well-balanced diet and ensuring that I'm eating a nice mix of protein, fruits, vegetables, and complex-carbs. As tempting as it may seem at times, I'm also trying to stay clear of foods that don't agree with my body: sugar, white flour, wheat, dairy etc.

2. Water: I am making sure that I drink approximately 3L of water daily (this includes plain water and teas without caffeine such as Nettle and Green Tea. I should note that the amount of water I drink is based on my body weight.

3: Cleansing: I cleanse each day-first thing in the morning and before I go to bed. I recently started using bar soaps made by Mountain Sky, a natural skin care company out of the lovely British Columbia. My favorite bar soap is Mama's Oatmeal and Milk.

4: Exfoliating: I've been experimenting with a few things here and there and the one method that seems to be working for my skin is exfoliating with organic honey. I usually do this 3x/week and it's unbelievable how soft my skin feels after each application

5. Moisturizing: A friend of mine recommended Sweet Almond Oil to moisturize my face and I've been hooked ever since! My skin just loves this stuff and I can already see a difference in my general appearance.

It's been about a week since I've started on my new skin care routine and I can already see a difference in how my skin looks and feels. I'll probably do an update in about a month to compare the difference between commercial vs natural skin care products.

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