Friday, January 20, 2012

Officially Back on Weight Watchers

There's been a lot of buzz as of late with the new and improved version of the Weight Watchers Points Plus program, and from following most of the weight watchers reviews online people seem very pleased with the results they've been getting on the new program.  

Now I did sign up and do Points Plus (PP) when the program was first rolled out in November of 2010, but I wasn't too impressed with the results I was getting on the program so I decided to stick with the Momentum Program (previous program before PP) since I had just signed up for it months before PP came out and wasn't quite ready to switch over to something new just yet.

Fast forward a full year later and I find myself drawn to the program once more, especially with all the latest changes that have been made to the program.  As a result, I enrolled in the program this morning and have decided to give PP a try once more.

So what exactly has changed on the 2012 edition of the program?
  • Daily point targets have dropped to a minimum of 26.  On the previous program, the lowest anyone could go in points was 29.  
  • There is now an opportunity for members to tweak daily points by -3 (with the daily minimum set at 26) if one is not losing on the calculated daily points based on one's height, age, and gender.  So for example, from calculating my daily points target using this formula, I've been given 32 points.  If by chance, I don't seem to be losing on the 32 points, then I can drop my points anywhere between 1-3 points to start losing again.  However, if I'm comfortable with how weight loss is progressing on 32 points then I can stick with my daily points value set in place.  
  • The Complete Food Guide and Dining Out Guide have all been updated with new and accurate food listings.  When PP was first rolled out, a few mistakes were made with the PP values of given foods and some of the values given for foods were completely way off in points.  This is the number #1 reason why I always try my best to calculate point values on my own-I never like leaving things to chance.
  • A new calculator has been introduced for the program and now takes into consideration the new minimum points target of 26.  From playing around with the calculator, there's really no difference between it and the old calculator, so if you're reading this and wondering whether or not you need a new calculator-you don't, you can just stick with what you had before.
I guess that's it really as far as changes to Points Plus.  I'm feeling pretty excited about jumping back on board with the program and can't wait to see what sort of results I get over the course of the following weeks.  

I do have a bit of a surprise for those of you who've been following the blog, but you'll have to wait at least a week for an official update (hee hee...I love surprises).

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